February 25, 2007

Sunday bliss!

Today was super relaxing. Sullivan woke up a little before 8, and Kyle actually took him out to the family room and let me recuperate a little longer. The poor baby has a cold that has his nose and eyes just dripping and crusty, which made sleep a little difficult. Normally he wakes up, eats, and goes right back to sleep. Last night, however, he just cried this sad 'I'm so uncomfortable' cry. I think at one point he was feeling okay, but was awake anyway. He kept trying to play with my face and I'll admit it was SO annoying. He was seriously trying to peel my skin off so he could play with it. I tried turning my back to him thinking he would go back to sleep, but then my hair became his toy and that wasn't any fun either. He settled down after a little while - but it was at that point that I was about to snap from no sleep. (normally I would have found it endearing and funny, for sure ;) )

Anyway - sleeping in a little was nice. When I got up, I took the kids down to breakfast and then lounged the morning away. Sullivan was fussy the whole time, and I figured maybe he needed some more sleep - so I put him down for his nap. HE didn't put up a fight at all, so I think I guessed right.

When he woke up, we took the kids for a drive around the city. We were trying to find a neighborhood closer to the hospital that would be cheaper. We did find a place that looked decent and cheap - so we'll file the information away for future reference. I think during Spring Break we'll look a little more seriously.

Kyle and I managed to go to a movie on Friday night. Lupita showed up late (which was lame) and kind of put me in a bad mood, but Kyle talked me into going anyway. Sullivan did pretty well without me - and we managed to watch the movie and relax. It was *so* nice. And of course, the house is always nice and clean on Friday nights and that made it feel better.

Overall, I think I'm pulling out of my whiney 'i don't get to live in the USA' phase I was in. Tanya helped a lot by suggesting we start to exercise in the mornings. We went at 7 a.m. all last week and jogged for a half hour. I have been totally pooped at night, but during the day I definitely feel more energetic and inclined to get things done. I'm dead-set on keeping it up, at least until the end of the semester. I really like having someone go with me, and Tanya will be gone in June.

Boring entry, I know. I just felt like I needed to write something and now that I've taken care of it I can focus on other things next time.

1 comment:

Jenn S. said...

So sorry that Sully is sick - glad you got to sleep in though!

Yay for an excercise buddy!

Good luck on a new house search. :)