February 10, 2007

Another week gone by!

I am *so* happy to find that the weeks are flying by. Its crazy how quickly the time has gone since we got back to MX.

A little update on the situation at the school. We went to the principal and told her what #2 said. At first she was defensive and just insisted over and over that it never could have happened. then she softened up, and realized we weren't angry, just concerned.

She said that she *did* think there was an incident at school on friday that involved our daughter pushing another girl. The teacher took #2 and had her stand against the wall, but the principal insists that not only would the teacher never spank a child, but even if she wanted to there were SEVERAL other teachers around. In the end, we talked to #2 some more and feel like she was maybe just upset about the timeout - and not actually spanked. The principal told us she would talk to all the other teachers just to be sure nothing really did happen, and she would observe #2's class for a few days to see how things were going. She also said she would keep our concerns private (not tell the teacher) until she had a better idea of how things go. I REALLY appreciated all of that.

I should mention that in all my observations of this teacher she has always been patient, gentle and kind. Its just that weird comment from #2 that has me uneasy.


Somewhere out there a romantic husband booked a surprise 2-night weekend for his lucky wife. Due to said husband's actions, THIS wife(as in ME) had the pleasure of an added child for the last 28 hours (but who was counting?).

Its not that it was all bad. The little boy is the same age as #2, so in many ways it was like having twins. who don't like eachother. . .and want all the same toys. . .you get it.

We let the kids all watch movies last night, then left them w/ the babysitter for alittle while and brought back some Dairy Queen for them. BEdtime wasn't too bad, although it did take a little longer than usual. Thankfully, they all slept all night (well, not the baby, but i figured that was a given.)

This morning, TheMan left for his softball game at 8 or so, and I waited for all the kids to wake up and took my time getting them all dressed. AFter they had eaten breakfast and we were ready, I loaded them up (it takes a lot longer to load 4 then it ever does 3.) and took them all to the softball game. They played pretty well for about an hour and half while we were there.

I was exhausted when we got home, but still had more daylight left so no rest. I laid the baby down for his nap, then husband and I showered (not at the same time:p) and got ready. At 1, we loaded the kids into the car and went to pick up the J Family. We went to Colomos park and spent the next 4 hours at a birthday party. The weather was nice, but by the time we got home I felt like I'd run a marathon, and I know husband did too.

We dropped off the J Family and the little boy (she is watching him for the next day until his parents get back) and reveled in the ease of our own 3 children.I think every mother of 3 should borrow a kid or two for a day just to remind themselves how good they have it. If you're looking for one, I have a few available :p

1 comment:

Mimi said...

wait, TheMan made you work for your present? *giggle*

I am happy to hear about the school's response.