February 1, 2007


When we first got back to Mexico, after #3 was born, I was cleaning the kitchen one day when #1 came into the kitchen with a crayon and wanted me to mark on the wall how tall he was. I vetoed the wall, but figured the refrigerator was a good replacement - as any crayon could someday be removed. This was back in July - so 6 months ago??? Yesterday he suddenly remembered doing that and begged me to see how tall he was again. I put him up the refrigerator and (keeping in mind that this is hardly exact science.) He was nearly 2 inches over the original mark! For a minute I thought maybe my memory was foggy and I must have measured #2 and not #1 originally - so I put her up there and she's way under his mark, so no way. While, I will never know for sure EXACTLY how much he grew, he really did grow.

*Taking a break to measure*

#2 at 3 years and 2 months old is 39.25 inches (I want to say she was 38 inches at her 2.5 year old checkup)

#1 at 4 years 7.5 months is 44.5 inches. (He was 42 inches exactly at his 4 year checkup on his birthday last june!) :o

*sigh* They're growin up.

I got up before the kids and showered this morning. I managed to be dressed w/ teeth brushed and makeup (kind of) on before they were up and needing anything. I dressed all of them, then left #3 with the man while I dried my hair. Fed them breakfast and left for their school. Husband came w/ and we stopped by his school to check some grades - they weren't posted yet.

The man got to studying when we got home and I started soaking my sink (flylady.net) and put the baby down for his nap. I had just finished the soak and scrubbed the sinks out when #3 woke up. Husband took a break from studying and we grabbed some food on our way to pick up the kids. I love when he comes with me to get them because then I don't have to get baby out of the car to go in and get them.

We went BACK to the college to check grades again and the man did REALLY well! Only 2 more tests! One tomorrow and one next Friday. :o He's seriously almost done w/ the classroom! WOOHOO! Bring on the USMLE!

His schedule from this point out stinks though - he has Kaplan everyday from 9-3 including most Saturdays. (ggrrrrrrr!) So, our weekends are going to start to stink. Repeating to myself: its almost over, its almost over, its almost over.

#3 is up on hands and knees most of the time now. He can even manage it on slippery floors, which is a relatively new feat. Still no mobility in that area though. He does "talk" to me all the time. He'll be ALMOST asleep, nursing away when suddenly his eyes fly open and he starts "da da da, mmmmmmm, mmmmmmm, da - AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Its actually quite amusing when I can keep my frustration at the lack of napping in check. (not too often.)

This weekend should be alright. husband's test is tomorrow, so by the afternoon he should be stress-free and ready to take a night off. We found a super cute girl who we made arrangements with to come help with the house for a couple hours on Friday afternoons, and then stay for a couple more and let us go on a date night. :o

Of course tomorrow we won't be doing the date thing - we have a birthday party, so we're just going to have her come with us and hopefully get to know the kids. I'd love if #3 would warm up to her, but I'm not holding my breath. Our "date nights" will probably end up being what they've been for the last 8 months. . .Mom, Dad, and romance-killer. (aka, baby #3.)

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