August 18, 2007

Random Pictures of the kids

They're being cheesey before church a few weeks ago.

I just love him. punto.

This is a picture courtesy of Guthrie. It reminded me that I never told anyone about my near-fatal accident. (it happened right when we got back to Mexico and we didn't have phone or internet for a month after that.) I tripped on a toy on the stairs and fell onto the top landing. I was pretty darn grateful for that top landing, because if it had been in our old house, I would have fallen all the way down. As it was, I hit my head on the wall and messed something up in my foot - but nothing was broken. It was swollen and purple for about 2 weeks, but I only had to wear my little casty-bracey thing for a few days.

In my mom's kitchen in Gilbert, Arizona. He spent a fair amount of time in this little booster on the floor. We had another booster on the chair next to him for Caelan (Ashely's daughter.)

Is he the man, or what? Who else do you know that could study for the board exams while simultaneously calming a crying preschooler. His efforts rocked her right to sleep. *LOVE this man!*

I'm not sure what this expression is all about, but I love it anyway.

I'm pretty sure this is right before Kyle rocked her to sleep in that picture up there. Too much swimming, not enough napping, and WAY too many people giving her what she wanted = crabby Addie.

LOL! her face!


Stoddard Studios said...

Wow, I'm excited that you have a blog too. I swear everyone has one. I love it. Now we can finally keep in touch. Pete and I were talking about you guys the other day. We said you've probably been back to Mesa a tons of times since we saw you last but we never get together. Were you just up here? It kind of sounded like you. Next time, call us. We miss you guys.

Melanie said...

Hanna, I am so glad you are ok from your little accident. It sounds like it could have been even worse!! Glad you're alive!