August 30, 2007

Did you know. . .

Jada Pinkett-Smith breastfed her son for 18 months.

Erykah Badu breastfed for 2 years.

Gwen Stefani for 13 months.

Even Pamela Anderson breastfed her sons for more than a year (after she homebirthed them : )

So, I am as trendy now as I ever was :p

I guess I can take those skinny jeans back , right?

Sully will be 15 months this coming week. I would have to say my goal for nursing was *at least* a year. . .and I told myself I'd play it by ear after that. At this point, nursing is a lifesaver when it comes to tantrums, naps, oops-i-ran-out-of-milk. . .-and food- moments, and pretty much the majority of parenting situations I come head to head with. It helps more than it hinders - and to be honest I totally love having an excuse to sit down and hold him. I love that he's willing to let me hold him. I love that he's by far the cuddliest 15 month old I've ever met. . .and its ME that he wants to cuddle. I love that even on days when he has nothing but fruit loops and crackers that he's still getting good nutrition. I pretty much just love it all. So, until I don't (or he doesn't) I'm stickin' with the trend.


Serin said...

Yay for 15 months of boobie! It really does have it's benefits. :D

5littlenordstroms said...

Hey, I think it is great that you could do it this long. With each baby it seems like we nursed shorter periods of time and I always felt sad for stopping. I also enjoyed that cuddling time but for some reason I could never keep up a good supply and they would just fuss more and more because they were so hungry. I always hoped for good nursing situations with each baby but it is always such a struggle for us. So yay you!

Ashley said...

For the instance you're talking about, that is EXACTLY what I miss about nursing.

Now my only hope is to just have another.....

oops, did I just say that?

Stoddard Studios said...

I can't beleive you're still nursing. Lol. You're funny. I don't know how woman do it. I only did it for 3 weeks with Bryson. I hated it. Maybe with this next one it will be easier.

Mimi said...



I am proud of you. As Ashley said it before. I don't really know how to comfort a baby w/o boobie.

mallory said...

:) 2 months later, and she's still defending her "CRUNCHY"-ness.

I love you hanna, and i really look up to you and ashley for learning to parent your own way and believing in yourselves.

:) miss you tons

Nash said...

Crunchy? As long as he doesn't lift up your shirt in public than it's cool. =) That made me think of the movie The Last Emporer, there's a scene where he's like 12 yrs old and goes up to the woman servant whose sole job is to nurse him, and he just lifts her gown and sucks away. I don't know why I remembered that.
GOOOO Sully! Did you shave his head? looks really cute and grown up.