August 20, 2007

Dreamy Roast

Yesterday ended up being one of *those* days. Nothing happened, particularly, to make it tough; yet, I found myself begging for bedtime to come around.

We made it to church on time, just to sit in the chapel for 15 minutes waiting for the rest of the ward to show up. I can usually make it through all of sacrament meeting with the kids - but yesterday Sullivan was experimenting a little too loudly with his voice, so I took him out to walk around when there were still 15 minutes left of the meeting. Of course, Adeline followed us out.

During the 2nd hour of church I walked and rocked until Sullivan was asleep in my arms and sat down to the last 20 minutes of Sunday School. I had just loosened the baby carrier and got comfortable in Relief Society when I heard a familiar cry and looked back to see Adeline at the door. Shelly saw me with the baby so she went to help her, but I figured I would go check to see what was wrong. I was almost out the door when the R.S. 1st counselor announced that I am giving the prayer. (This is something that drives me NUTS about church in Mexico. They never pre-arrange prayers - just throw you on the spot. I don't speak church-Spanish very well, so I really appreciate 10 minutes or so to do a quick translation in my head before I have to pray. . .not to mention that I was flustered because I was worrying about Adeline.) I went and gave a really embarrasing nonsensical prayer and then rushed out the door.

I found Adeline and Andrew (her little American friend.) sitting in their classroom with the teacher, her friend, and Shelly (Andrew's mom and my friend.) They weren't teaching a lesson, they weren't playing, they weren't singing. They were kind of all sitting there looking at eachother, with someone occasionally stopping to chastise one of the kids for playing with the chairs. Of course, I'm confused because they *should* be in sharing time with the other kids. I made the mistake of asking why, which quickly led to me understanding that this is something that has been plaguing Shelly for a while. Apparently, our ward has some reason to believe that Sunbeams aren't supposed to go to sharing time. ARGH! This would be fine if they had some other activity planned for them that hour, but honestly they were just sitting there expecting the kids to do nothing and behave while they did it. Finally Shelly offered paper for drawing and they were happy to do that for a little while. It turns out that Shelly has previously brought it up with the primary president and it really offended her that someone was implying she was not doing things according to church policy. I'm not sure *what* I'm going to do about it at this point - but there's no way I can handle Adeline acting out like that each week at church ; and its obvious that she's going to act out if she's subjected to that kind of boredom each week.

Anyway - we did get through the rest of church, with no small amount of irritation on my part. We changed into casual clothes and I finished up the beans and corn to go with the roast in the crockpot.

We spent the evening with Kyle's friend from high school who is in Guadalajara on business. After we took him back to his hotel, I put Sullivan and Adeline to sleep and tried to relax.

I spent the night dreaming about food and restaurants. Everytime I woke up I thought I was smelling a REALLY great meal. Our bedroom window was open, so I was left to wonder who and why and what and where was smelling so wonderful.

Finally at 8 o'clock this morning I was heading downstairs and I realized that it was *my* house that smelled so wonderful. This whole sequence of events returned to my memory and I realized that I had filled the crockpot with water after I pulled the roast out. It had so much dried on roast bits that I thought it would make it easier to clean later. Well, I left it like that for the entire evening yesterday and all through the night. I'm *so* glad I put as much water as I did because it had almost nothign left in it when I checked it this morning.

It was kind of like my own candle burner (you know those hot plates that you put your jar candles on to release the scent without burning the wick.) Do you think I could make any money by offering up my "Day-old burned pork roast" scented candle??


Ashley said...

I'll take 3

Serin said...

lol I'm so glad you're back, I've missed your posts. I remember one night that I had spaghetti simmering in the crockpot and everytime I woke up I though "Yummm, spaghetti."

Anyway, sorry about the church woes. What a pitb

Mimi said...

The bishop has to talk to the president, not the parents. She can't say anything against him, especially if he has proof that they should be included. That's really strange!

Stoddard Studios said...

Wow, that's crazy that they don't let the sunbeams participate. How sad. Yeah, I'd talk to the bishop. I bet he could fix the problem.

By the way, sorry I haven't left comments on your blog for a little while. It's been a crazy few weeks.

Your kids are all so big....and so cute! I can't believe you guys have 3 kids!

I'm glad you like my hair. I don't like it. Keep yours long! Long is so much better. I'm trying to grow mone out. It's at the annoying stage so I hardly ever do it, it's usually put it in a pony tail. Keep growing it girl.