March 1, 2007

So clean- you could eat off 'em

So - my morning jogging is still going well. I'm following the "Couch to 5K" program - and only have 1 more day left on week 2. It seriously feels so good to be up before the kids and back home to a quiet house. It gives me this little pep in my step. I wish I could say that I always put that pep to good use - but really I don't. I did manage to get a few loads of laundry done today and mopped the kitchen floor that was seriously scary. (Sidenote: Tanya told me she once heard this quote. "People always brag about how their floors are so clean you could eat off of them. Well, you could eat off of my floors too - FOR A WEEK!" That about sums it up)

So - really though, I do feel pretty good. I've lost all of the bzillion pounds I gained with Sullivan and have even RE-lost the few I gained back during Christmas break. Now my complaint is that I'm a bag of flab. I weigh the same now that I did when Kyle and I met - but it sure does look different now. Getting old stinks - but I guess its a decent trade off for the priveledge of being called mommy (and how can one not love wiping those noses - and ummmm, wiping other stuff too.)

On a disjointed tangent - I cannot believe March is here. March is my birthday month. Today I heard Sullivan waking up in my bed and I climbed in with him and Kyle to play. Soon enough, the other kids came wandering in too and we all chatted and relaxed in our bed. Guthrie made me calculate how many months 'til his birthday - which led to me calculating how many months 'til EVERYONE's birthday. It brought to my attention that we need to plan #4 for March. Everyone else gets to share a month and party with another family member - I feel left out. :p Plus, its the beginning of spring - PERFECT for a baby. Remind me of this when June of 2011 rolls around. (Another not-so disjointed tangent : June of 2011 will be our 10 year anniversary. Perfect baby-making weather, if you ask me. It will also be the end of Kyle's 1st year of residency and Guthrie's 9th birthday and Sullivan's 4th birthday! :o Woah, a whole lot is going to happen in the next 4 years - guess I shouldn't wish it away, huh?)

So - on the Kyle-school front (since apparently he thinks he's busy studying for the biggest test of his life or something ;) ) : Kyle seems to be enjoying Kaplan. Its like this little glimpse of what it could have been like to attend a U.S. Med. school. What a difference it makes to have native-English speaker teach you - AND it helps when the person teaching you USMLE material has actually TAKEN the USMLE. The more he learns and studies though, the more scared he acts. (Scared = moody, depressed, cloud following him around wherever he goes.) I was happy to see March 1st on the calendar today and excitedly told him that meant that Spring Break was only 4.5 weeks away. The party-pooper actually told me he DOESN'T WANT SPRING BREAK TO COME! I know! Blasphemy!

Seriously, I *get* why he doesn't. Spring Break = only 2 more weeks to study for midterm. midterm = his only chance to get sponsored to take the USMLE this summer = the easiest, most convenient time to take the test. So, don't think I'm not sympathetic, because I totally am. I just have a fabulous ability to push stressful things out of my head - and file them away somewhere where I won't think of them until too late, therby magnifying their stress-quotient exponentially. Good thing I'm not married to myself, or we'd never get anywhere in this med. school game.


Nash said...

You are my entertainment for the day. I am so happy to be blogging, for it gives my life purpose! HA!!! It kind of makes me feel like I'm inside your brain.....creepy huh? IT sure is fun though! Does this mean you are coming here in 4 weeks?

Serin said...

March babies are great! So great that I had two of them. :p But 2011?? I don't think so!