March 1, 2007

Sully Wully

I have some pictures to upload, so I'm patiently waiting for Kyle to get done studying. The built-in card reader on his laptop is the only one that works anymore.

In the meantime - I feel like its time for a little Sully update.

He crawls EVERYWHERE. I told my mom its like having a puppy in the house. I have 4 trashcans upstairs and have had to relocate them all to higher ground. He squeals with delight when he finds one and can't wait to tip it over and put some treasures in his mouth. (yum, huh?)

He has been honing his pulling-up skills too. At our wive's lunch yesterday, he pulled himself to standing on their entertainment center and then "cruised" his way across to a speaker at the side. I was pretty impressed with that considering how wobbly his stance is. He just can't wait to run and play with Guthrie and Adeline.

He also has officially decided that he WILL drink some liquid from a bottle. I know this isn't normally a huge milestone for a baby - but for THIS baby its enormous! I've tried off and on for his whole life, but never really pushed it. We've been timing our "date night" to try to leave immediately after he wakes from his afternoon nap and eats. Then, of course, we can be gone no longer than 3 hours - and even then he has usually been fussing by the time we get home. Thankfully, Lupita handles him great and never seems flustered at the rediculousness of parents who leave her with a baby that has no means to eat.

Well, I finally caved and bought juice to see if I could entice him that way. I had been stalling slightly as I'm usually a lax baby-tooth-brusher. Just a little juice mixed with water was all it took. He sucked (HARD) on a bottle for at least 5 minutes and has since even been willing to drink straight water from one. I'm hoping this will increase our date-nights to 3.5 hours. ;)

Exciting stuff, eh?

Guthrie recently learned a new song in Spanish. Well, I *think* its spanish, but his version doesn't actually contain any words that I recognize - aside from what I'm pretty sure is supposed to be the girl's name "ana". It goes something like this:

Ana mas capa dapa, capa dah
Ana mas capa dapa, capa dah
Ana masca - ana masca
Ana mas capa dapa, capa dah

Then he proceeds to sing it with all the different vowels. . .

Mama - ahora con la "e" ("eh")

Ena mes cepa depa, cepa deh
blah bla blah

Mama - ahora con la "i" ("eeeh")

Ina mis quipa dipa, quipa dee
blah blah blah

And so forth w/ the "o" and "u".

I need to get it on video just because its *that* cute. He can carry a tune better than I would have thought.

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