March 27, 2007

I am thankful for:

1) Health - mine, my kids, my husband's
2) The Church - especially for making this big world seem a whole lot smaller.
3) Money - all the good it can do for my family and for others.
4) Costco - 'nuff said
5) My husband - for his friendship, love, intelligence, and his drive to learn, do and BE all he can for our family. (*sniff sniff*)
6) The internet - for making my life easier, and making friends seem so much closer.
7)For my body's ability to carry a child and nourish it (both before and after birth.)
8) Humor :p
9) Free Agency - I love being able to make decisions about my life and own the consequences.

I had so many "I am thankful for"s in my head earlier, but those are the few I can think of.

More to come as they pop into my head.

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