January 29, 2008

16 hours and counting.

I'm pretty sure my last bit of diet coke ran out yesterday afternoon. So, I'm officially in detox mode. I'll be utilizing some EFT to take care of any cravings or withdrawl side-effects. Wish me luck!

When we first moved to this neighborhood, we were thrilled to be attending the same ward as one of my newfound, amazing friends. Having another American family with kids around our kids' ages made a big difference. About seven months into our church-going experience out here, we happened to volunteer to take the missionaries on a little field-trip for their P-day. The missionaries from our ward live with the missionaries from a neighboring ward; so we ended up all going together. As we were chatting on our way to the ruins (I think I posted pictures of this trip a while back. . .Novemberish?) the unknown missionaries asked where we lived. Upon hearing the name of our community, he immediately informed us that we were attending the wrong ward and should, in fact, be in his ward. "Uh, I don't think so. We checked the ward boundaries with the missionaries a few months before we moved in." (Kyle has a sneaking suspicion that said missionaries had an extrememly outdated map.)

The following Sunday, we were greeted by the bishop from the OTHER ward and it was confirmed that we were, truly, in the wrong ward. OH SADNESS!!

So, for the last few months we've been attending a new ward. I use the term "attending" loosely. Its just so hard to go be the only Americans again. We spent most of the first two years here in Mexico as the only Americans going to our ward. We went through some periods of inactivity, followed by a determination to make it work (despite no nursery.) So, I guess we're back to that. (I originally typed out a long, whiny rant. Even I got sick of hearing me complain :p )

The good news is (I guess you could call it good.) that I won't be dealing with it for long. I booked plane tickets for the kids and I to come back to Arizona and stay with my mom for a while. I'm going to work for a few months, let G go to Kindergarten, and hopefully give Kyle time to study. I'd love to come back to find that the AMA has fixed all the drama with their licensing issue, Kyle's all done with major tests and has lots of free time, and maybe find that Sullivan is potty-trained. :) I won't hold my breath on the last one.

On the subject of Sully milestones; he's having a little verbal boom. He says so many words now.

Night night
bye bye
want drink/ball/bite/five/up/down/tv/elmo/book/hello (this means phone.)/buckle (car seat)
taint choo (thank you ;) )
uh oh
and my favorite wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow (kind of to the tune from "Wow Wow Wubzy".)

He has also changed from "mama" and "dada" to "mommy" and "daddy", which is pretty much the cutest thing ever. "Mommeeeeeee, want bite!" "Oh, taint choo."

G and A are at school now. I need to talk to the principal and break the news that we'll be leaving and won't be back until next school year.

I guess this was a pretty disjointed post. Mostly I'm doing it because Serin is sick of reading about my diet coke addiction. :p


Myklind said...

Hey, I hate diet coke withdrawls! I use to drink it all the time (breakfast lunch and dinner), but then I got pregnant with Dax so I stopped cold turkey which was so hard but being prego totally helped. So now I am a diet a&w drinker I love love love it! I dont blame you at all for struggling in a ward like that. We struggle with a ward full of old opinionated people, but atleast we have a nursery and people speak english. I hope you have fun in Arizona. The boys and I are headed for Idaho for the whole month of March. I am sad to leave Tyler, but so happy for family time. Being a mostly single mom gets old dont you think?

Tanya Leigh said...

Sweet! Let me know when you're back - call me up, we'll play! ... Wait, you're gonna work?! Good luck on the flight! ;)

Serin said...

Yes, thanks for giving me something else to read. lol

"and maybe find that Sullivan is potty-trained." are you planning on leaving Sully with Kyle? :p

I would say you should meet Peggy while you're in AZ, but it's just not fair for her to meet you when I haven't. Maybe you can come up for my baby shower. ;)

The Sullengers said...

That sounds like it will be a good situation to go to Arizona but sad to leave your hubby! Hopefully all goes well

Stoddard Studios said...

In my last comment I asked how long you'd be in AZ, but I just read that you'll be here a few months. Wow, that's crazy. Aren't you going to miss the heck out of Kyle? Pete is going back to Guatamala tomorrow for a week. I don't think I'm going to handle him being gone for a week. If you need help or want someone to hang out with, call me. I'll e-mail my number.