January 23, 2008

Fevers and Fun!

Poor li'l Sullivan isn't feeling well. I got him out of his bed yesterday morning and even though he wasn't warm enough for me to call it a fever, he just felt. . .off. I watched him during the day and saw him making some funny mouth movements that got me thinking sore throat(??). Sure enough, after his nap he had a definite fever. (Score 1 for mommy's intuition.) He was happy enough, so I figured I'd let the fever kick the illness'.

After school, the kids wanted to go to the park and for some reason Kyle actually agreed to go with us. We spent over an hour letting them all swing, slide, and ride bikes and scooters. I was hesitant to go because last time the playground equipment was tattered and there were spiders all over it. (Have I ever mentioned how much I HATE spiders?) We were pretty happy to see that the HOA fee has been put to good use. The toys had new canopies over them, had been refinished, and were completely bug-free. Sullivan was able to climb up the cargo net and slide down the slide all by himself, which meant that he did so at least 20 times in a row.

We came home and I made biscuits and gravy while Kyle fried some eggs. It was a lazy dinner, but it was fast and did the job.

We showered G & A while Sullivan played around the house. We all went into Adeline's room to get the kids' pajamas on. Sullivan started whining to get on the bed and as soon as he was up, he pulled the covers up to his waist, laid down on the pillow, and said "teetee." (This is baby-talk for TV). I thought it was hilarious, so I turned on the little TV that we put in Addie's room and let him "watch" it while we finished PJ's. (He doesn't really watch it, but at least he thinks he's cool.) We left the 3 kids playing and I went downstairs to chat w/ Kyle while he did some schoolwork.

About 15 minutes later (7:00 pm), Adeline came down and wanted to lay on the couch with me. I tucked her into a blanket next to me and channels-surfed. I ended up watching some of "Tombstone", and suddenly realized that the whole house was pretty quiet. I looked down and Adeline was snoozing in my arms (AWESOME!). I also realized that I hadn't heard a peep from Sullivan for the last 10 minutes. Kyle carried Adeline up to her bed and sure enough, Sullivan was fast asleep. I officially deemed this our easiest bedtime EVER.

I moved Sully to his crib, we tucked Adeline in, and laid G in bed.

I worked for a couple hours (did I ever mention that I found a job doing medical transcribing from home??? YAY ME!!!), did the elliptical, and then tried to unwind myself to fall asleep. I don't know if it was caffeine, working out too late, or just the endless night-wakings from my sick little Sullivan; but it felt like one of those nights where I never really sunk into a deep sleep.

Despite the lack of sleep, we managed to get ready this morning and have the kids to school right on time. I managed to clean up the upstairs and have laundry going. Now, if I could just find the motivation to shower and get dressed. . . :)


Serin said...

Awww, I love it when babies just fall asleep. <3 I hope he's feeling better and the fever kicked whatever made him sad.

You didn't happen to take any pictures at the park did you??

Tanya Leigh said...

Don't you just LOVE days like that when you can actually make a decent list of things you've accomplished? ... not too common around these parts :S .... Tell me more about Med. transcribing!!!