January 24, 2008

This sucks.

I know you've got to be growing weary of my Diet Coke blog posts, so skip this if you'd like.

I was recently pondering all the terrible things about Diet Coke in *another* effort to get myself to hate it so much that I'll give it up.

My admittedly weak list:
1. Stains teeth
2. SUPER TOXIC aspartame is found in copious amounts
3. Caffeine-withdrawl headaches stink.
4. Kids see it and want it because I always have it.

Well, there's nothing I can do about the toxic aspartame (other than quit and I promise I'm working up to that.), the solution to the caffeine-withdrawl headaches is to just never stop drinking it and therefore never withdraw, and to keep the kids from wanting it, I have now resorted to drinking it in private while locked in the bathroom leaning out the window so they can't smell the fumes. (run-on sentence, anyone?) So, the only other problem is that drinking dark drinks stains your teeth. To solve this, I broke out the bendy straws. The downside to the straw??? It has significantly increased my consumption rate.

To quote my husband, "You're !@#$ing me! You drank 2 liters in 1 day!!!"
My response, "Well, if you'll run and grab another bottle, I'll get started on 2 more!"

And *that* my friends is why I MUST STOP! . . . as soon as I finish this 2-liter.


Jenn S. said...

Soo funny! I can totally picture you hiding out in the bathroom and getting your "fix" while the kids are pounding on the door to be let in. :)

Guess what?? I think we are going to PV in February or March, I should know later this week - want to meet up? We'd love to have you guys come spend an afternoon at the hotel pool with us (maybe Addie can inspire Savvy with her swimming skills). And what's better than a frosty coke (diet for you) by the pool? Ahhh

Dusty said...

That is so funny. Did you really drink 2 liters?? That is crazy. You need to talk to Dawn. She is a diet coke fanatic too. We miss you guys. Hey, I heard you are moving back. If this is true we should meet up sometime.

Nash said...

Ok so which four letter word did kyle use? Just wondering. As for diet coke, paul's gpa drank it until he died at 91. He was healthy until the last two weeks of his life. Then you have my dad who's a holistic freak, does'n't drink pop and he's shriveling up. So...maybe you can use this to justify your diet coke habit, just keep it to once a day habit. Oh wait, maybe you are like me and if I have a taste then I'm screwed (not pop for me just yummy foods). So no good advice from me i guess.
Oh and your reason for not going private is the reason I thought I never would. I like finding old friends. SO....i will weigh that out for awhile. We'll see what happens. What is the story , you moving back?

Melanie said...

I just recently (2 months and counting) gave up my beloved diet coke. Not because I'm trying to be healthy, simply because I finally found out that caffeine just didn't work well in my system. (I have relapsed twice...I sound like an addict?!?) Reading your post made me miss it (sigh).