January 9, 2009


Guthrie has been taking Tae Kwon Do (I actually had to google the spelling for that) since the beginning of last semester. (Isn't it fascinating that I'm in my late 20s, my husband will be 30 next year, and we still live our life in semester-long increments?) He received his gi (I also had to google that spelling - it means Tae Kwon Do uniform ;) for Christmas this year - black so it is easy to keep clean. Yesterday he had his test to receive his gold belt. He was so excited and did GREAT! Kyle was blown away at all he had to know and how Guthrie has really absorbed it all. I never thought I would have a kid interested in any kind of martial arts, as it wasn't something that I was into and neither was Kyle. We have a great neighbor and fellow medical student who has participated and taught for years and he was generous enough to offer to teach Guthrie. It has been so great for our little guy to have something special that only he was able to do and I think it may be something he wants to stick with for a long time.


Serin said...

I like the new look!

He looks so cute in his gi! Ours are white - NOT easy to keep clean!

Brad and Ann said...

Hello Hanna! I am so glad to have spent the last little while today discovering your blog and your family. What a beautiful life you are living in Mexico. I am so happy to see your kiddos. Guthrie genetics run through those kids! 4? I want to know how you do that with such grace and energy. Will you tell me how you made the leap forward/back to school life? My husband is contemplating dental school and it blows my mind. We have been in the Mormon-family American suburbia world, surrounded by an abundance of family for 5 years. I want to know what the exhilaration and loneliness would feel like. Help? I hope that all is well with this next babe. Have a great day and write me at annieharker@yahoo.com when you can. Love, Andrea