January 21, 2009

55 days!!

I keep thinking that because I'm a grownup and have a realistic sense of the passing of time and patience and discipline and responsibilities and so on and so forth that the last months of this pregnancy should be a blur as they whiz by me in all my maternal labors. Ummm - its not happening.

Seriously? 55 whole days? And that is just until my due date. What if I go overdue? *gasp* The horror. Its too much. Time has slowed down just to spite me.

And Mr. 55-days away STILL does not have a name.

I think the situation is compounded by the last-semesteritis that I am currently suffering from. The symptoms of this condition include an awareness that the end of four years of foreign living and 8 semesters of foreign medical education are winding down. It also includes an intense need to DO something to hasten the end and an inability to think of anything to do - or anything to distract you from your lack of ability to do.

I keep thinking that if the baby would just come, then time will speed up because, well. . .have you ever paid attention to how quickly your baby is one, then two, then three months old? Seriously, they're like backtalking before you know it. This brings me back to my original problem. . .55 DAYS?!


Serin said...

Yep, I can guarantee that time will fly once He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named is born

Ashley said...

You need a hobby

5littlenordstroms said...

Nice observation. We all feel that way. Maybe it is because everything looks greener on the other side and we want what we can't have at the moment. The trick is to find joy in the journey. I know, easier said than done. I think Ashley is probably right. You need a hobby.