September 16, 2007

Uniforms, Shmooniforms.

I was *very* excited to do away with the ol' school clothes and adopt the uniform way of life this year. Most of my kids new clothes quickly become "play clothes" afterall, and by the middle of the year I'm scrambling to put together outfits without holes in the knees or fingerpaint stains on the front.

I've tried to adopt a precise routine for dealing with the uniforms. They have exactly enough shirts to get through a week. This includes 3 polo shirts, and 2 P.E. shirts each. They each own 1 dressy-day bottom (skirt for Addie, pants for Guthrie) and 2 P.E. day bottoms (shorts for warm days, track pants for cool days), in addition to their windbreaker jackets for cool P.E. days and their sweaters for cool dressy-days.

Simple enough, right? What I can't figure out is why the sock-monster has suddenly decided to devour these essential pieces of clothing???

Seriously, there's nowhere left to hide, yet I STILL can't find some shirts.


Other than annoyingly absent scraps of embroidered cloth, things have been going well. Kyle's still buried in the books. I just know we're going to be blessed for this sacrifice, so I'm grinning and bearing it - but since its my blog I can admit that I'm going nuts, right?

Its only for another week. Kyle took the week off of school so he could spend the last few days making the most of his time. He flies out on Thursday afternoon and when he gets home on Sunday I should have him back for a while. We won't know his score on the exam for about 3 weeks - so that's 3 weeks, at least, that he won't be studying. WOOHOO! (well, at least not studying non-stop. He'll still have his rotation material to keep up with.)

Once this is over with, it seems like the holidays will come quickly. We'll only have a couple of weeks until Kyle's sister and her family come to visit for a week; then Halloween; then Thanksgiving; and a week later Kyle will be done w/ the semester. We can't wait to spend his break watching movies, traveling, sleeping, and drinking hot chocolate. The kids will still be in school for the first week of his vacation, so that should give us some quality time to Christmas shop and get the house all festive.

While Kyle's sister is here, we'll be going to Puerto Vallarta for 4 days. Its partly for them, and partly for us. A little celebration to congratulate ourselves on not cracking during all of this stress. HALLELUJAH!


Stoddard Studios said...

Wow, school uniforms sound stressful. That's crazy they are vanishing. Hope you find them. Tell Kyle good luck with his test. Sounds stressful. Hope all goes well. Sounds like the end of the semester and the holidays will be fun.

Ashley said...

You'll of course be posting pictures of all this holiday cheer ;)

Missed you the last few days, can't wait for you to get your big fat package!

Nash said...

Hang in there! You have a positive attitude which I'm guessing is the only way to get through it.
I want to come visit!!! I also want to know about your transcribing and if you like it, or any useful info cause I'm thinking of doing it.
I am looking forward to the holidays. Bring it ON!

Tami G said...

Oh yes, the sock monster......I almost forgot as the years have passed, but now, even NOW, he has a small showing in our house, just enough to remind me of my past and to let me know, the future isn't any better than today, so in memory of the sock monster, for me, just say, screw it!

:) MOM