September 9, 2007

I'm safe, but he's been hit!

We were patting ourselves on the back this morning for our 8th week of timely church attendance in a row. We reminisced about sleepy mornings gone by and wondered at our newfound ability to be, not only AT church, but at church on time. Needless to say our grownup abilities did not go un-noticed. We had no sooner walked into the building, when the stake president popped over to invite us to speak with him after the meeting. We were sweating up a storm during the introduction of sacrament meeting. (Our ward has been looking for a new bishop for a couple of months.) It was only AFTER they called Hermano Melendez to be the Obispo that we could breathe freely. The rest of the meeting was spent wondering what they could possibly be fingering Kyle (us?) for.

Halfway through the meeting I took Sullivan out and walked him around in the Mei Tai to put him to sleep. I was able to keep him sleeping all through the rest of sacrament meeting, while I walked the kids to class, while we were meeting with the stake president, and right on through until the beginning of Relief Society. Kyle received a calling (how do I keep squeaking by??? :) ) He's the new High Priest group leader, which totally cracks me up. He's got to be the youngest one in there, but no one seems to care. He's already got Jimmy (our single, LDS, fellow medical student, neighbor) pinned for a counselor.

Kyle isn't too worried about the calling. I'm just hoping its less time-consuming than being on the high counsel was, although after this board exam he should have more time anyway - so maybe I'll stop being so selfish about it.

Speaking of board exams - Kyle flies out next Thursday (the 20th) and my mom will fly in at the exact same time, so I can pick her up while I'm dropping him off. I'm actually SOOOO glad she's coming. I was determined that I would be fine for 3 days alone, but knowing she'll be here does help me breathe easier. I know I would be fine during the days while I was busy, but I'll go CRAZY at night - especially with all the nerves I'll be warding off over the exam for Kyle. She'll stay until Sunday, and I'll drop her off at the same time I'm picking Kyle up. (Thank you US Airways for arranging that beautifully for me.) So, now to come up with my list of fun for her to bring with her. I'm sure she dreads visiting me because I always have a grocery-list of items I'm craving or needing or wanting or missing.

I'm pretty comfortable in Mexico, but there will forever be a few things that I just can't do without. (Those giant bags of chocolate chips you get at Costco, Mr. Clean magic erasers, anything that I buy online and want shipped.)

Speaking of things I want shipped (do you have your ticket for this train of thought?): I've been jogging our circle (about 2.5 miles) 3 times a week, and the hole in my life that is currently a LACK of jogging stroller is driving me crazy. So then, of course, I start to look online with the intention of finding a cheap one, which leads to me reading reviews, which leads to me wanting BETTER than a cheap one, which leads me to wanting the BEST one. . .which is where I'm currently stuck. Wanting the best one, and having it sitting in my shopping cart online, but finding myself unable to $$$click$$$PURCHASE$$$.

And THAT, ladies and gentlemen, is the story of my life. MWAHAHAHA. Ask my sister and mom. When I go shopping (Target, the mall, the grocery store, etc.) I initally fill my arms with everything I want, giving no regard to price or reason - and then as I peruse the store I gradually discard each and every item in my arms until I'm at the checkout with nothing more than tic tacs and baby wipes. *sigh* I bet strollers really slow a runner down :p


Serin said...

*whew* that you squeaked by without a calling ;)

that's great that your mom's coming out. if she has room you should send some FB and mama cloth home with her so I can buy some as soon as $ magically appears in PP. ;)

Good luck to Kyle and buy the stroller!!

Jenn S. said...

Hanna - are you looking at the BOB? If so, I can only enable you, because I seriously *love* mine. Love it.

So fun about your mom coming - hooray!

Nash said...

Unfortunately I have the same problem with pushing SEND, but I have no problem pushing it for someone else! I could help you out there.
Dude they aren't giving you a calling because they need you to be sane. I mean seriously with how much you have to do everyday as it is without a hubby. I hope that reason will fly for you, I kind of made it up.
Annnnnd the stroller thing, I love mine so I don't have much to say, although you must weigh your options. One thing that sold me on mine is that it is a double/single stroller and a jogger, it is whatever I need it to be in different situations. I have pushed a BOB and it's nice, if I was only getting a jogger I'd maybe look at it, but for the money I like my Phil and Teds, all in one. Didn't mean to write a novel.

5littlenordstroms said...

That is so funny that you put everything in your cart and then put it all back. I do the same thing. I always thought I got that little habit from mom/gma but maybe it is a just a natural thing for all women with no money to do. That just made me laugh and think of her. She always did that. Does your mom do it too? Any I need a jogging stroller too. Where are you looking for one? What have you learned or decided?

Hanna said...

Beth, is the best site I've found. They have reviews on each stroller so you can get some insight before you buy - plus they say they're picky and only carry strollers that are reliable and high-quality. They'll even help you pick if you can't decide. (It didn't help me, they suggested something based on my criteria, but I changed my criteria LOL.)

Too funny to think of Grandma loading up and then putting it all back. I don't think my mom does it as noticeably.

Stoddard Studios said...

I do the same thing at the store. Especially with food. It's seems I crave everything while shopping. Hope you get the stroller you want!

Jenn S. said...

H - So, from what I know about the revolution, you can lock the front wheel into place if you want a fixed wheel or pull out a pin if you want it to be able to rotate. I'm not a serious runner - more of a jogger, I keep my wheel rotatable (I'm sure that's not a word, but YKWIM)and I LOVE mine. I had it at the zoo on Saturday then later that day on a neighborhood jog and it was just confirmed to me how much I love it.

Anyhow - you have to push one to really know how great it is - so come on over anytime and try mine out! :)

Melanie said...

Ok, so John teases me about the whole fill up the cart with WANTS and then end up with absolute NEEDS. Miss you!!!!

Val said...

I'm the same way when it comes to shopping!! It's aggravating when I even decide to put away the stuff that I really did need to buy that I talked myself out of :p

Lucky Kyle :/ Lucky you ;)