September 23, 2007


Its done. He took Step 1 of the USMLE board exam yesterday. I couldn't tell from his reaction after the test how he thinks he did. He said, on the one hand, there were plenty of questions that were nearly identical to his practice questions from the banks, but on the other hand, there were several regarding topics that he'd never even heard of. He said he could fail or do well and wouldn't be surprised either way.

All I know is that for the next 3 weeks, I have my husband back.

MWAHAHAHHA (evil laugh.) I have a list for him.


Ashley said...

Exhale indeed! Here's to a good score!

Was your visit with mom fun?

Tami G said...

Run, KYLE, run!


Stoddard Studios said...

Yeah! Glad you get your husband back! That will be nice.

Tanya Leigh said...

Oh, you're speakin' the truth, Hanna! Get that boy workin! (It's a lovely thing to be a normal family again:) I never realized how good I had it before med. school.

Jenn S. said...

hooray for a break! enjoy every moment!

Serin said...

So what's this list? Does it involve knocking you up? rofl
