September 18, 2007

Kidversation of the week!

The background:

I arrived at the school at 2 p.m. Adeline, Sullivan, and I walked to get a juice box while Guthrie started soccer practice. The younger kids and I drank our juice peacefully while we watched my boy thwart each and every attempt at a goal. He's a hero - but he's not making any friends with his skills. (I know, I need pictures. Definitely next Monday!)

We left practice and headed for Costco; and so commenced the fighting.

I wish I could tell you what it was all about, but really I tuned most of it out. I heard a lot of high-pitched squeals, some nah-nah nah-nah nah's, and maybe a well-executed raspberry being blown- actual words?? I'm sure I heard none.

When I came out of my fog I realized that Guthrie had found a rock under his seat and the fight was centered around whether or not Adeline would be allowed to touch said rock. When the yelling turned into hitting I did the only logical thing; I removed the rock from the unqualified operators and let them know that they could have it back when I heard inside-voiced words talking it out. It quickly became apparent that my methods were flawed. I finally resorted to threats.

Me: "That's ENOUGH! As a matter of fact, at the next red light I will be throwing this rock out the window."
G: "FINE!"
A: "NOOOOOOOO!" (You have to hear this as the desperate and pain-filled wail of sorrow that it truly was."
Me: "Oh yes, I WILL be throwing it out. You two are acting rediculous!"
A: "Mom, PLEASE don't throw it out. His name is Rocky and . . . and . . . I LOVE HIM!"

The rest of her "please"s' and "NO!"s' were drowned out by my laughing. You see, just this morning I watched the movie "Selena" and the picture of Jennifer Lopez pleading with her movie-dad to let her and her love be together was just too near the surface.

Adeline, you officially have my nomination for the Oscar.

In the end I used my biblical expertise to award Adeline custody of the rock. You see, Guthrie was perfectly happy to let the rock live a lonely existence in the gutters of Guadalajara - as long as his sister didn't get it. Am I the only one seeing the King Solomon resemblance in this story?

On another note - I have 14 hours until I host our lunch group with 15 Adults and 19 Children. I'm thinking I better quit blogging and start cleaning and cooking.


5littlenordstroms said...

Hey I love that. Don't you just love it when you see resemblances in our lives to the gospel. Truly being a parent gives a little insight into what Heavenly Father must be experiencing with all of us. The scriptures sure help us to be wise as well. What a cute experience aren't you glad you wrote it down.

Nash said...

In reference to your calling I guess they do give callings to people who don't play. I have heard stories of people who don't play piano (or maybe they knew a little )that got called. They say it's fairly easy just push a few buttons, but there is a lady in the stake who will teach for free.
Cute story, what lunch and why so many?

Melanie said...

How great is it that your kids were fighting over a rock. Who needs toys??? Thanks for the laugh. Adeline is such a cutie!

Stoddard Studios said...

Thanks for the great story. I laughed so hard. I just had to share it with Pete. He loved it too. I love how you write. You make the stories so alive and real. You should write a novel. You'd be good at it, I think.

Jenn S. said...

So cute! Ahh - girls and drama, where in the world do they get it from? ;)

Need Pictures of cute kiddos in uniforms. Por Favor?

Tami G said...

The truth be known, if you haven't heard Adelines dramatic wail of "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" and the covering of her eyes and face and lowering of her head in person, you cannot begin to appreciate the humor and of course the belief that she really, really, "LOVED" that rock.