May 2, 2007

Flying Felon!

Guthrie walked up to me yesterday with blood dribbling off his lip and in a worried voice said, "Mommy, something happened." I asked him what happened, expecting a spilled drink or broken toy - but instead his lip trembled and he said, "My tooth fell out."

This caught me completely off guard, as he is *only* 4.9 years old - and I really had no clue I should be watching and checking for loose teeth. It turns out he was downstairs sneaking a bite of frozen chocolate and the tooth just popped right out. (This is bad news for me as I LOVE my chocolate to be frozen, and Kyle absolutely hates it. Now he can use this tooth as an added weight to his side of the argument.)

We searched the kitchen floor and found his teeny, adorable, tooth. I took some time to explain that its totally normal and to help him understand how cool it is to lose teeth and get new, "adult" teeth.

He then, proudly posed for the camera to show off his HOLE!

The sore on his lip is from something else - but you can see his absent tooth - to the side of the bottom front teeth.

He wanted me to take picture after picture to show off his smile - and it was quite funny how his smile changed to try to get that gap to show up.

He's dreaming peacefully in this picture waiting for the tooth fairy (flying felon) to come whisk his tooth away and replace it with a big boy toothbrush, big boy toothpaste and (3) $10 peso coins!!


Nash said...

That is so funny! Do you think the chocolate was the culprit or his tooth was really loose? So young to lose teeth already. What a great story for the first one.

Mimi said...

Holy teetherony! Cute gap.