April 28, 2007

The kids and I at "Trompo Magico", the children's museum. They have this cool fountain coming out of the ground. Unfortunately, we're not allowed to play in it - :(

Sullivan posing with his little friend. She's 6 weeks younger than him - and oh-so-cute!


Serin said...

The kids looks so cute and you are looking sex-ay!

Melanie said...

Can I just say you look amazing!

Ashley said...

I know I keep saying it, and everytime I think about it I honestly cry, but I can't believe it's going to be a year when I finally see you, and look how big your baby is, and look at your kids, and when I hear their voices on the phone and AHHHH

I miss you guys so much :(

I feel like we're worlds apart these days...

Nash said...

Hey, how many of those beco's do you have? I want one! Do you think you'll use it when he's walking though?
You look great! Can't wait to see you guys. My kids have asked about yours.

Val said...

I like the new look of your blog [tu]

Love the pics! :)