May 3, 2007

Tag - You're it!

1. Comics or novels? Novels, no contest. Do they still make comics?

2. Neat or slob? I really really really really really want to be neat. I love organization and cleanliness - but at the end of the day I would have to admit that I'm constantly fighting my inner slob. (Good thing I live in Mexico and have a weekly cleaning lady :p )

3. Chocolate or peanut butter? Chocolate. DUH!

4. Cold or Hot? hot hot hot!! I'm an Arizona girl and would take boating, swimming, and sweating over chills and snow anyday!

5. Talk or sleep? talk. I love those nights when the conversation just flows and Kyle and I end up lying in bed daydreaming aloud for hours. Although, with a baby who hasn't slept through the night yet - sleep is getting more appealing everyday.

6. Being told you're loved, having time spent with you, getting a present, having something done for you, being touched. I'm pretty sure I read this book when we were first married. (5 love languages, anyone?) I must be high maintenance because I could never pick between any one of these. I NEEEEED them all on a continual basis. Lately I crave time more than anything - but ultimately if too much time passes without the other categories I feel bummed.

7. Which is your least favorite season? Fall in Mexico - I LOVE the rain, so I'm always sad to see the rainy season draw to an end in September or October :(

8. Do you like your photo being taken? Yes! I'm usually the one behind the camera, so I'm thrilled when I get to sneak in a photo. I want my kids to look back at their pictures and see what mommy looked like when they were young.

9. Have you ever blabbed a secret when you said you wouldn't? Probably ;)

10. Who do you think has the most interesting life in your social (blog) group? hmmm - maybe Meems. She moved to the US from Germany, immediately after marrying her husband (whom she met while he was serving his mission in Germany.) That has to be crazy, right??

11. Do you ever fantasize about having a different life? Not really - well, unless fantasizing about the day when we have health insurance and a paycheck counts - then ALL THE TIME! :p

12. Have you ever had to start your life all over again? Moving to Guadalajara felt like we were starting all over. We sold all our furniture and started all over again down here. Thankfully, I got to keep the kids and the husband ;)

13. What are the three most important things to look for in a relationship? sense of humor, common interests, and common language. (that last one is always a plus.)

14. Words, tone and delivery, or body language: Which do you absorb first? Which is the most important? Tone and delivery - you can say you love me, but if you don't say it like you mean it, then it doesn't count. Likewise, you can yell, "I hate you!" but if you're hugging me and laughing, then I won't believe you.

15. Are you a good communicator? I try - but I have room to improve.

16. Do you think you talk too much? Totally - but I tend to hang out with other people who talk too much, so sometimes we're a room full of people just trying to get a word in edgewise.

17. Can you handle the truth? Hmmmm, probably not. There are only a few things I'm truly passionate about, so to have those things criticized in myself would probably hurt. Doesn't mean I don't need it, though.

18. How often do you cry? a few times a month - I should probably cry more, because I always feel much better afterward.

19. What sound annoys you the most? Kids fighting *plugs ears* - but the BEST sound in the world is children laughing. :)

20. Where did your pet get its name? We once had a dog named Sadie - which is what I begged Kyle to name Adeline, but he really didn't like it. Coincidentally, its also my cousin's name.

21. Would you rather be single, dating, engaged or married? Married. I'm so not jealous of those in the dating game - its exhausting and loses its appeal very quickly.

22. Significance, self-worth, security. Which is more important? Self-worth. I'm actually reading a book right now that talks about all the things that can go wrong if we don't have a high enough regard for ourselves, and our own capabilities. YIKES!

23. If you could have one super hero power, what would it be? I'd like to be super-fast like "The Flash!" I could get the house clean in no time flat and then have the rest of the day to play, shop, cook, and spend time with the kids!

24. Do you think you are a good driver? Yes, SUPER good. My mom yells at me to drive faster when we're visiting the states. I feel like 35 is WAY too fast.

25. Why do you go to work? I don't right now, but when we get back to the states I will someday go to work because my kids are grown and I've found the job that suits my fancy.

26. Who was your favorite teacher? I think I had a teacher in Jr. High who let me sleep long after the bell rang. I didn't like him enough to remember his name, but that was awfully nice of him.

27. Who's survey would you most like to see? Serin, Genny, Jenn, Mimi, Ashley

1 comment:

Nash said...

NO, I kind of felt left out as well! WHat can you do, maybe they just wanted sisters. (even though we've all talked about going!)