February 24, 2009

21 days!

Until my due date, that is. I'm still kind of holding out hope that I'll be one of those lucky brats (yeah, I'll use that word instead of the OTHER word I substitute every time I find out that someone due AFTER me has delivered their baby BEFORE me) who gets to skip a week or two of pregnancy by going into labor early.

I *should* take a moment instead to thank Heavenly Father:

* for giving me a body capable of holding a growing baby in safely until the optimal time to be born, even though he doesn't let me pick that day.
* for living in a day when knowledge about nutrition and availability of nutritious foods help my baby grow to his healthiest self.
* for an amniotic sack of STEEL! Labor hurts way less with that water bag intact.
* for the ability to make fun of myself every time I get antsy for the baby to make his appearance.
* for a husband who will make fun of me in case I temporarily forget to laugh.

I admittedly have baby on the brain. We still have so many things we need to get in place before the baby really comes, which should help to keep me patient. I mean, my mom hasn't even sent my Wii in for repair yet and that could take up to two weeks (kidding, mom). Or maybe the more important things like what to do if I go into labor while my kids are at school and things are moving so quickly that I need someone to pick them up and bring them home. Or where to borrow or buy cheaply a tripod for the video camera so I can find the perfect angle for a semi-modest recording of baby's birth (let's be honest, who am I going to show it to other than my mom, my neighbor, the mailman, etc?) Or how about. . .breast pads. I don't have any breast pads. I haven't bought hoses to fill or drain the birth pool. If I were one of those lucky ducks (again, a word substitute) to go into labor at 37 weeks (today), I would have to do it without the birth pool! (gasp - the horror)

On a different baby-related front : Sullivan has taken a new interest in "da baby in yo tummy," as he likes to call it. He can tell you where the baby's bum is (up by mommy's ribs - yay!), where the baby's head is, where the baby's back is, etc. Its super cute. When I lie down with him at night to help him fall asleep, he nearly always puts his closest hand on my stomach. The baby had a seriously strong case of hiccups the other night and I thought Sullivan would die laughing at each little jerk of the baby's body. I didn't think he was old enough to "get" it, but he seems to have put the pieces together. When he sees a picture of a baby now, he'll say, "Dat da baby in yo tummy!" (Okay. . .not ALL the pieces are put together.)

We are still mostly nameless. I think *maybe* I'm settling on one name that I don't hate and I know Kyle loves, and even though I don't love it, I think I love the nickname. I wonder how the name-changing process goes if your baby is born in a foreign country??? :p

We pretty much decided that we'll have Guff and Addie there when the baby is born. I'm still debating on Sullivan, but leaning toward letting him come just for the last few minutes when baby is crowning. I know the older two will be fine. My only worry about Sullivan is that he'll want to climb in the pool with me. Maybe we'll just let him. I have to think about this some more.

I'm still kind of holding onto some hope that I can call Ash and my mom in REALLY early labor and they can hop on a plane and magically get here in time for the baby to arrive. I'm just not sure that I'll know that *really early labor* really is early labor and not just a false alarm. Another "play it by ear" situation, I guess. In the likely scenario that they don't make it in time for the birth, I have Joana on standby to come take care of the kids for me.


Nash said...

OK my head is spinning.
the pool and the kids watching, and maybe sully sitting next to you whilst giving birth. and no hoses yet, and your mom maybe possibly making it.....and a NAME. possibly a NAME. here here.
oh the water in tact is less painful labor. is that why i come UNGLUED at the end?
so i just have to know....is DIET COKE apart of that nutrition you were talking about? hA HA!
you are doing better than i am today. can't wait to hear. and i really can't believe you are having a baby, even though i saw your tummy in real life. GOOD LUCK!

Serin said...

So freaking exciting! According to *my* calculations you have ONE more week! Actually, I think my official guess is the 3rd or the 8th (Since Sully's bday is one day before Brayden's, this baby's can be one day before Riley or Tanner, your pick)

You can show ME the video! ;) I got all choked up at the thought of all your kids watching. ♥ I hope your mom and sis are able to make it.

Oh, and Sully laughing at the hiccups is an adorable image! ♥

The Williamson's said...

Your so close! I'm excited for you, I can't wait for a name and a picture of this baby!

5littlenordstroms said...

I can't believe you are so close to baby time. I am so impressed at you laboring abilities. My water always breaks very early and I always end up with an epidural. I love that you go natural. It almost makes me want to have another one just so I can try for natural again. Or NOT! So confused. Anyway, I'm also impressed that you want kids there. I thought about letting paige and reed in last time but I decided it would stress me out to much.

Nash said...

cute background. mine needs help.
my feet hurt so bad right now and the shower doesn't even start for 7 hrs.
yeah one of our questions for the party is "how much has mattie gained?" can only ask that with someone like her. although i know you are just about the same, so don't go acting like you are marshmallow man. wish you could be here.
vance is only on the computer because he leaves me alone but then i start feeling guilty. it's the first thing he does in the morning (before eating). he wants to play "superwhy" and "einsteins".
we are awaiting your NEWS. i love the little mouth in the 4d pic.