February 20, 2009

Slow and Steady

I just took Sully on a little walk. It ended up being about two miles, but you would never know that by the ETERNITY it took me to get back home.

Its official folks - I'm pregnant - and slow.

Now I feel a little achey and whiney (obviously).

I kind of have to laugh at myself because in the beginning of my pregnancy (before morning sickness and weight gain), I had these great goals that I made the mistake of voicing aloud. One of these goals was to continue jogging 3 miles every day until the last trimester, at which point I would continue to WALK 3 miles every day. My cousin asked me not too long ago how that was going. It took a lot not to break down in laughter.


Serin said...

2 miles is nothing to laugh at! ;)

The Williamson's said...

I remember saying the same thing, ya that lasted til about the 3rd week when the morning sickness kicked in. You look great tho!

Nash said...

was that me?
remember when you made me go with you to the gym when we had 3 weeks left. i thought i was going to make it the entire time. you just get so tired....and whiney. and that's ok.

Kizzy said...

its ok, you look GREAT! i told myself with brielle that i wouldn't stuff my face w oreos the way i did with tylar and kiley. i couldn't do it!

Kate and Cole said...

hahaha! That's so funny how you forget what it's like to be HUGE! I think we have to or we wouldn't ever get prego again!