August 20, 2008

Day 1 of School 08/09

I swore I was going to wake up to the alarm at 6:30, shower and be one of those beautiful moms dropping her kids off at school on their first day. . .but it just seemed so early to get out of bed. At 6:45 I finally pulled on my stretched out jeans from yesterday and a t-shirt and washed the mascara out from under my eyes - voila! Beautiful, right?

I dressed Guff and Addie, got them started on breakfast, loaded backpacks, filled out paperwork, laid out lunchboxes, cleaned out the backseat of the car, loaded Sullivan+banana into his carseat and away we went - at the extremely early, still-dark-outside hour of 7:25. I don't want to admit it, but it felt a *Teeny* bit good to be awake before 9:00, which has been my usual wake-up hour for the last little while.

Here they are on their first day :p Don't they look super-psyched?

Because he feels left out if I don't act like he's a big deal too. :)

The school had someone dressed up as a giant Tigger to welcome the kids on their first day. Last year Tigger handed out giant chocolate covered marshmallow suckers. This year he was a little more appropriately handing out yoghurt drinks. I wonder who the brave sole was that mentioned that little nugget to the PTA. :p

Sully and I are rolling around the house, trying to remember how we kept it real all last year with just the two of us. Something tells me that we'll fill the void just fine. It sure is peaceful here.


Ashley said...

I think my kid is now officially the LAST kid to start school.

Screw charts schools, we're going public!

they look adorable :)

Serin said...

I was a horrible mom and didn't even get up for Grant's first day of school! :o (What was I thinking?)

Why didn't you do all that cleaning/lunch packing/etc last night?

Becky said...

Oh you brave soul...6:45 is SOO early. 9am sounds good to me! G looks a little less than thrilled but A couldn't be happier. Either way they are all adorable.
Enjoy your Sully time. :)