August 14, 2008

Back to School

Whenever I say or think "Back to School," I can't get Adam Sandler's voice out of my head - and I am suddenly in the mood to watch Billy Madison. But the *real* point of this post is the official school update!

We checked out the most amazing school the other day. For a mere ten thousand a year, we could enroll our kids in an eco-friendly, adorable, super chic school close to the house. Since that is more than we spend on groceries and clothing for our whole family combined in an average year, we figured we better pass it up and see what we could do about getting a discount at their old school.

Really I got a lot of comfort from the thought of sending them to the same school this year. We all kind of have a crazy life and it certainly can't hurt them to have a little stability in this one facet, right? (On a side note, we have officially lived in this house for almost 15 months - three months longer than we have ever lived anywhere - cool, eh?)

We drove to the school this morning around 10:45, waited until close to noon for the administrator to have a chance to talk with us, and were able to negotiate a deal that *hopefully* has us all feeling satisfied. While the discount this year ended up being significantly more than last year percentage-wise, we will still be paying close to the same amount because of the increase in tuition cost that comes with advancing a grade and the annual inflation rate. Aren't you all feeling a little smug with your kids in their academically advanced, publically funded charter schools?? Anyway, our original intention was to try to really get a good deal and play a little hardball - but when we realized how much costs had increased, we started to panic that maybe we were going to end up paying MORE than last year and that is just a *no go*. Kyle and I both feel pretty good about the situation and we're super excited for the kids, who are ready to bounce off the ceiling at the thought of starting school. On Tuesday we go to buy their supplies and meet the teachers, and school starts on Wednesday. The school really did take advantage of Addie's cute little mug. In the conference room (where they meet potential new students and their parents every year), there is a poster-sized picture of Addie, framed and mounted on the wall. The administrator even made a joke when we were trying to negotiate a price - He said, "Well, since I exploited your daughter, we should give you a good discount." HA! I was thinking it, but I didn't say it. He did alude that they *really* want the kids back and of course our kids can't wait to go back - so win/win. Between now and Tuesday I just need to pull out last year's uniforms, see what still fits and what can be handed down, and go buy the new items (the stinker-school changed their polo on us, so we definitely have to get all new shirts :( I was thinking I lucked out and wouldn't have to buy much of anything for Adeline.)

Our new maid/nanny is really working out well (if you forget that she has missed two out of six days of work. . .and I did forget, I promise.) Its a whole new feeling to be able to actually run an errand and not drag three kids with you to un-kid-friendly places. I totally love her affect on Sullivan too. Hearing him tell her "gracias" and "adios" is pretty much the cutest thing ever.

Dinner is in the oven (roast for French Dip - drool) the kids are happy, and its time to work - but blogging was more important.

Its almost Friday -sigh of relief-!


Kizzy said...

oh my gosh! i had the same thought about billy madison on the first day of school so funny!!

Meg said...

I LOVE the family photo! You look amazing.. Green looks great on you!

Serin said...

I'm glad you worked out a deal with the school. They really should've given you free tuition though. :p And poo on them for changing the uniforms!

You have a maid/nanny?? I might have to hate you for just a minute. ;)