July 20, 2008

Home Sweet Home

We actually made it. I was worried about this drive because we brought another car back and that meant I had to drive a car the entire way myself. I won't surprise anyone who knows me by admitting that I have never done that before (nor wanted to). I felt like I did pretty well, although the right side of my lower half went completely number for a few hours at the end of both days. I tried sitting on a pillow and that would help for about thirty minutes, then back to tingles and numbness. Its much better to be a passenger and be able to shift position at will.

The kids were AMAZING, especially considering the amount of time we had them buckled into the car. We were on the road for about 14 hours the first day and 13 hours the second. We stopped each day for about an hour to let them play and eat at McDonalds/Burger King - then it was right back into the car. Sully took two very long naps each day and Adeline took a couple herself. It turns out she wasn't feeling well but thankfully it was only this morning that the throw-up hit her. We made it through our first long trip without any throw up at all from her. The secret was putting her in the passenger seat of the truck (no worries- no air bag and she was in her five-point carseat). She had such a good view of the road that she never once complained of being nauseated.

We arrived home last night (Saturday) at about 11:00 local time. I was able to change the sheets on our beds and unload the back of the truck before I practically blacked out in bed. It was all I could do to not kill our restless Sullivan before he finally crashed from exhaustion.

It feels so good to be home. Of course all day today was spent dusting, organizing, vacuuming the rug over and over again, and sucking up about a million spiders and their webs. The downstairs is feeling pretty good but I haven't even begun unpacking the six suitcases or the boxes that came home with us.

I am in heaven having my own bed back (not to metion kitchen, bathroom, couch, remote control, and desk). I didn't even realize what a difference it is to sleep on my comfy bed with my six pillows and my heavy comforter. I'll never leave you again, bed, I promise. (You either, Kyle.) :)

Tomorrow starts Kyle's fourth year of medical school. Wow.


Kizzy said...

so glad you made it! bribri asked if we could go to mexico today, literally today she wanted to go today. she wants to go to peter piper pizza with guthrie, addy, sully, aunt hanna and her daddy. we miss you already. see you at christmas!

paws said...

Ugh. What a drive! I can relate to how nice it is to be back in your own bed. Ahh...

Serin said...

I don't believe for a second that you won't leave your bed again. ;)

Glad you're home!