November 25, 2007


I've been wanting to sit down and update our blog forEVER. I'm sure you all know how it goes though. After a while I have so many things I wanted to add that the amount of time needed to make it all complete just keeps increasing until I'm overwhelmed and unmotivated. Well, tonight the kids are in bed early, the laundry can wait, and I just feel like getting these pictures up here for my mom and family to enjoy. Hallelujah!

So, back to the beginning:

A few days before we left on our trip, I was eating breakfast one morning and looked over to find my boys sitting quietly staring at me. lol!

We got to the airport so early that we had plenty of time to eat lunch with Kyle. Guthrie ran to the counter and asked for some "coronas" for himself and his little sister.
I was pretty disappointed that Sully fell asleep while we were waiting for the airplane. I was really hoping he would sleep on the plane. I have to admit, though, that it made for a really peaceful waiting experience.
I'm queen of Guadalajara International Airport. Now give me some peanuts :)

I thought my little bros would like this. I used to swear that I would NEVER buy my kids video games. Now I'm eating crow because these little gadgets can be lifesavers to a solo-flying mother of 3.


Serin said...

Your kids are so stinkin' cute!! I can't believe how much they are growing! (Even though my kids are growing at the same pace :p)

What video games are those? Might they make good Christmas presents for 2/3 of my kids?

Stoddard Studios said...

Glad you posted new stuff. I was wondering what happened to you. Glad you survived the flight here and back. Sorry we never got together.