June 11, 2010


We promised the kids back in January when we first drove
by New York City that we would take them to visit at some point. Time just slipped away from us and before we knew it, it was time to leave and they'd never been. It was a pretty low-key
trip involving a simple drive to Battery Park to see the statue from the rail, a drive-by viewing of the Empire State Building, and a solid 90-minute play session in a great little area of Central Park.

This little guy just wanted to run away from us and explore on his own. I had to keep reminding him that New York City is definitely no Wausau, Wisconsin (*wink wink*) and he better stay close to us if he knew what was good for him.

On our way out of Central Park the kids talked us into an ice cream treat from the guy on the corner (a la Mexico-style. . .or maybe Mexico style really originated in New York. What do I know?) Sullivan is the SLOWEST ice cream eater and I should have known it would be a mess on this hot day. We made him wait outside the car until he was finished and he savored every. last. drippity. drop of that Spider-man Popsicle with gum-balls for eyes.

Sorry, Kyle. I know you look kind of awkward in this picture, but at least they all let you take one.

This is what I got when I tried for the same picture.

1 comment:

Serin said...

LOL @ making Sully stand outside of the car

WHERE is your baby belly??? I want pics!!

P.S. I think you should name this blog "Whisperings From Wisconsin"