June 11, 2010

The move . . and stuff.

When we first found out we were headed to Wausau for residency, we immediately began the internal debate of buy versus rent a house. In the end, we went with the mentality that our move to Wisconsin is semi-permanent and we would ALL be happier in a house, even if that means three years from now Kyle take a local job and we stay for a few years beyond residency - or forever, or whatever. I guess we were/are feeling a little sick and tired of all these moves over the years.

We found our cute, little house on a weekend trip and started mentally preparing for a whole new life! We've lived in a 750 square foot condo, our parents' basements multiple times, an 1100 square foot house, a single-wide trailer, the guest bedroom at our parent's house, and then three different rentals in Mexico (while large, they were still lacking in comforts of home i.e. dishwashers, carpet, insulation, air conditioning, garages, etc. I could go on and on). The apartment in New York left a LOT to be desired (not to mention an extra bathroom for those emergency moments). This house just gets us giddy with the excitement of a new normal.

The financing was not without its drama (worst loan officer in the universe, I swear) and I honestly didn't believe it was really going to happen until we signed on the (multiple) dotted line(s) and walked out of the title office with keys in our hands. This was of course after spending a few days in hotels waiting for the lender to make good on their promises to get our loan done in a timely fashion - or in any fashion, because timely it definitely was NOT.

Looking at these pictures from New York taken during our packing/cleaning/stressing days just bring even more happiness because I am SO glad we are done with that and SO happy to be spread out in our not-that-big-but-feels-so-huge-after-what-we've-been-living-in home!!!

The kids did a lot of fending for themselves while we organized, packed and cleaned. I am sure I was less than a stellar mom for the majority of that process. How cute is it that Addie plopped Tru on her knees to watch a movie while we neglected them?? Adorable and totally unprompted. Its a heart warmer for sure.


Barnes Blog said...

I love your children, they are SO beautiful, I CAN'T believe they are so old and that you will soon be having another. I am so excited for your new house, I want to see it! I am jealous of your house and you finishing your schooling years. Oh, those will be the days...although I am scared of it. Good luck to you guys. We love you! I am of the opinion that we are sent where we are to go, I know this new house and new life will be very sweet.

Serin said...

I hate moving (and you've done it a billion times more than I have)! I'm so excited for you guys to be able to settle down for a few years even if it's not in CO.

Addie looks adorable in that picture. How sweet ♥

Nancy said...

There should be a song devoted to congratulations for moving into your own home, very similar to happy birthday but with more hoorays in it! HOOORAY!