Until my due date, that is. I'm still kind of holding out hope that I'll be one of those lucky brats (yeah, I'll use that word instead of the OTHER word I substitute every time I find out that someone due AFTER me has delivered their baby BEFORE me) who gets to skip a week or two of pregnancy by going into labor early.
I *should* take a moment instead to thank Heavenly Father:
* for giving me a body capable of holding a growing baby in safely until the optimal time to be born, even though he doesn't let me pick that day.
* for living in a day when knowledge about nutrition and availability of nutritious foods help my baby grow to his healthiest self.
* for an amniotic sack of STEEL! Labor hurts way less with that water bag intact.
* for the ability to make fun of myself every time I get antsy for the baby to make his appearance.
* for a husband who will make fun of me in case I temporarily forget to laugh.
I admittedly have baby on the brain. We still have so many things we need to get in place before the baby really comes, which should help to keep me patient. I mean, my mom hasn't even sent my Wii in for repair yet and that could take up to two weeks (kidding, mom). Or maybe the more important things like what to do if I go into labor while my kids are at school and things are moving so quickly that I need someone to pick them up and bring them home. Or where to borrow or buy cheaply a tripod for the video camera so I can find the perfect angle for a semi-modest recording of baby's birth (let's be honest, who am I going to show it to other than my mom, my neighbor, the mailman, etc?) Or how about. . .breast pads. I don't have any breast pads. I haven't bought hoses to fill or drain the birth pool. If I were one of those lucky ducks (again, a word substitute) to go into labor at 37 weeks (today), I would have to do it without the birth pool! (gasp - the horror)
On a different baby-related front : Sullivan has taken a new interest in "da baby in yo tummy," as he likes to call it. He can tell you where the baby's bum is (up by mommy's ribs - yay!), where the baby's head is, where the baby's back is, etc. Its super cute. When I lie down with him at night to help him fall asleep, he nearly always puts his closest hand on my stomach. The baby had a seriously strong case of hiccups the other night and I thought Sullivan would die laughing at each little jerk of the baby's body. I didn't think he was old enough to "get" it, but he seems to have put the pieces together. When he sees a picture of a baby now, he'll say, "Dat da baby in yo tummy!" (Okay. . .not ALL the pieces are put together.)
We are still mostly nameless. I think *maybe* I'm settling on one name that I don't hate and I know Kyle loves, and even though I don't love it, I think I love the nickname. I wonder how the name-changing process goes if your baby is born in a foreign country??? :p
We pretty much decided that we'll have Guff and Addie there when the baby is born. I'm still debating on Sullivan, but leaning toward letting him come just for the last few minutes when baby is crowning. I know the older two will be fine. My only worry about Sullivan is that he'll want to climb in the pool with me. Maybe we'll just let him. I have to think about this some more.
I'm still kind of holding onto some hope that I can call Ash and my mom in REALLY early labor and they can hop on a plane and magically get here in time for the baby to arrive. I'm just not sure that I'll know that *really early labor* really is early labor and not just a false alarm. Another "play it by ear" situation, I guess. In the likely scenario that they don't make it in time for the birth, I have Joana on standby to come take care of the kids for me.
February 24, 2009
February 20, 2009
Slow and Steady
I just took Sully on a little walk. It ended up being about two miles, but you would never know that by the ETERNITY it took me to get back home.
Its official folks - I'm pregnant - and slow.
Now I feel a little achey and whiney (obviously).
I kind of have to laugh at myself because in the beginning of my pregnancy (before morning sickness and weight gain), I had these great goals that I made the mistake of voicing aloud. One of these goals was to continue jogging 3 miles every day until the last trimester, at which point I would continue to WALK 3 miles every day. My cousin asked me not too long ago how that was going. It took a lot not to break down in laughter.
Its official folks - I'm pregnant - and slow.
Now I feel a little achey and whiney (obviously).
I kind of have to laugh at myself because in the beginning of my pregnancy (before morning sickness and weight gain), I had these great goals that I made the mistake of voicing aloud. One of these goals was to continue jogging 3 miles every day until the last trimester, at which point I would continue to WALK 3 miles every day. My cousin asked me not too long ago how that was going. It took a lot not to break down in laughter.
February 16, 2009
Last Week in Review
It was one of *those* weeks. Not a bad week, just a seriously busy week. I'm a sweater when I'm rushed (a perspirer? - not a knitted, long-sleeved shirt), and I sure did change my shirt a lot.
It all started with Adeline's "Child of the Week" status. Awwww, tender, cute idea - but it should really be called "Week of extra chores for mommy." I was given a very specific list outlining each day's special activity. Monday wasn't too bad - it was "toy day." Adeline was instructed to bring all of her favorite toys to share with her class during play time. Of course, this is Adeline who has no favorites because EVERYTHING is spectacular to her. Our morning was slightly delayed as we struggled to fit all toys possible into her quite large, and thankfully ROLLING, backpack. In the end, she had to carry her lunch and her puzzle tin outside of the backpack. They just couldn't squeeze in.
Tuesday I was COMMANDED (okay seriously, it was just on the list, but it seemed like a biggie to spring on me like that) to provide lunch for Adeline's entire class. It was supposed to be her favorite food, but (this time thankfully) Adeline loves every food, so I just picked a food that was portable and shareable. Pizza. The funny thing about doing "lunch" for her class in Mexico is that their "lunch" break is at 10:00. Have you ever tried to order pizza at 9:00 a.m.?? in Mexico? Where they don't eat lunch foods until 2:00 p.m.?? The Costco restaurant doesn't even open until 10:00. I had to improvise and I went to Costco the day before and bought the take-n-bake pizza from the deli inside. I grabbed some Sprite, paper goods, and some Rice Krispy treats and figured I was as prepared as I could get. Tuesday morning went a little like this:
6:30 wake kids, dress, hair, shoes, teeth, etc.
7:15 in car
7:45 school drop off
8:15 home again, shower, dress, teeth, hair for me.
9:00 first pizza in oven, makeup for me
9:20 second pizza in oven, shoes for me, clothes and hair for Sully
9:40 Back to the car with pizza, sprite, treats, paper goods, sully and stroller.
10:00 on the dot - walk into the school to find Adeline's class.
I found her class alright - they were seated in the lunch area with every child, except for Adeline, eating their lunch. WHHHAAAAAT? You told me to bring lunch. I told you I was bringing lunch. Why are they all eating lunch without me?? This was a lot of work. Do you see these sweat marks on my shirt?? So now I have two pizzas all cut into 4 and 5-year-old-sized slices, and only about 10 kids even wanted any. I went home with an ENTIRE pizza. I couldn't even pawn it off on the parking guy. He looked at me like, "Why would I want pizza at 10:30 in the morning?" Yeah, I don't know either.
Wednesday Adeline was supposed to bring her favorite movie and book. So, we had to go through the process of picking only ONE movie and only ONE book (everything is fab, remember?) Turns out, they didn't watch the movie and didn't read the book. Why are they doing this to me???
Thursday was simply the worst - but not the "child of the week"'s fault on this one. Addie took her favorite music. Luckily, Grandma Hunter gave her a "Girlz Rock" CD for Christmas and this was easily and unceremoniously deemed the favorite. I dropped the kids at school and then swung wide on my return trip and went grocery shopping. After gathering all of the supplies for Valentine's Day cookies (okay and a few donuts for me and Sully), we returned home. I was already sweaty by now - so I took a break for a shower, clothes, hair, makeup, etc. I then went to pull out all of the Bunco supplies to make sure I had everything for our group that night. I couldn't find the d#$% score cards. I started sweating profusely. Finally, I made up my mind to make new ones by hand. How hard could that be?? Pen, paper, scissors, GO. Sweating, writing, sweating, *jingle tune from MSN messenger*. I checked my email and found that there was some work for the taking if I wanted it. I thought, "Definitely no - too busy." But then this part of me somewhere in the STUPID part of my brain was like, "You need the money, so just take it. You can always stay up late/get up early to do it." Done. Sweat. sweat. sweat. I looked at the clock and realized that if I didn't make cookie dough NOW, it wouldn't be chilled in time to cook it this evening. I went down the stairs, sweating of course, to make cookie dough. I debated one batch or two and after seeing the first batch chilling, decided that I definitely needed two. So, I made another. Sweat sweat. Now I was late to pick up kids. Traffic was a bear - I got there late. Kids in car, I ran to a friend's house because the store didn't have any heart-shaped cookie cutters and you can't make Valentine's cookies in any other shape, ya know. Quick stop and heading back home. The rest of the afternoon was spent alternating between kitchen, computer for work, and cleaning the house for Bunco. Sweat sweat sweat. Finally, around 6:00, the cookies were done, the kitchen was clean, the kids were fed, I was mostly cleaned up, and things calmed down a bit. I sent kids upstairs to hopefully entertain themselves away from the clean part of the house. I finished setting up tables, prizes and food, and then found some time to work a little more before friends started showing up. We had a REALLY fun time at Bunco, but I won't lie - I kind of rushed things because I knew I had to work when it was all done. Immediately after the last round, I divided up prizes and wrapped up the food. I worked for about an hour to finish it all after everyone left and then FELL into bed.
Friday was better. We all slept in a little. I was COMMANDED via the "Child of the Week" information sheet to be present at Adeline's class for a "parent activity" from 9:00 to 9:30. There was no way on EARTH I was going to drive the kids to school and then drive BACK at 9:00, so I just took them with me at 9:00. I remembered to wrap up cookies for each of their classes, but somehow forgot the presents for their teachers. I had no CLUE what the "parent activity" was supposed to entail - so I just printed a coloring picture off the Internet and called it good. Maybe boring, but I was feeling a little picked on after the crazy week we just had, so I called it good 'nuff. I did give them each a GIANT sugar cookie at 9:00 in the morning and who can complain about that? ;)
Once the kids were home from school, it all felt a little more calm. Our amazing babysitter/housekeeper/wife showed up at 3:00. She picked up the house while we took the boys to get their hair cut. It could have waited, but they were looking scraggly and Kyle was willing to go with me, so I jumped on it. We left the kids with Joanna (babysitter/housekeeper/wife) and Kyle and I went to meet with Joni to talk about our birth wishes and other baby related things. It was relaxed and quiet and definitely felt good. Plus, I always have fun talking about birthing and babies, and even Kyle had a good time. He pretty much rocks to not rolling his eyes at me every time I want to discuss my ideal birth or the way I want things to go or not go, etc. love him.
We had heart pancakes on Saturday and I gave the kids their little treat/present from mommy and daddy. They got a kick out of it and somewhere in there, I got a nap out of it. ;) yummm.
Joanna came BACK over that night around 6:00 so Kyle and I could go to dinner for Valentine's Day. We ate at Cocina 88, which we've been wanting to try for a long time. We had an amazing dinner that included a few bites of things that are on the general pregnancy no-no list (sword fish and bleu cheese - mmmmmmmm). I was reminded about how pregnant I really am because I wanted to eat everything and ALL of it. But, I was full after having salsa with a bread stick. *sigh* We'll have to go back when my stomach has room to expand.
I have already vowed to make this week more mellow than last. This morning I took a LOOOONG nap and I am not scheduling anything crazy or demanding or unrelaxing if I can help it. I keep meaning to schedule a massage, but I can't decide if I should wait until I get more uncomfortable and desperate for labor - or if I'll end up waiting too long that way and not even get to enjoy it??
It all started with Adeline's "Child of the Week" status. Awwww, tender, cute idea - but it should really be called "Week of extra chores for mommy." I was given a very specific list outlining each day's special activity. Monday wasn't too bad - it was "toy day." Adeline was instructed to bring all of her favorite toys to share with her class during play time. Of course, this is Adeline who has no favorites because EVERYTHING is spectacular to her. Our morning was slightly delayed as we struggled to fit all toys possible into her quite large, and thankfully ROLLING, backpack. In the end, she had to carry her lunch and her puzzle tin outside of the backpack. They just couldn't squeeze in.
Tuesday I was COMMANDED (okay seriously, it was just on the list, but it seemed like a biggie to spring on me like that) to provide lunch for Adeline's entire class. It was supposed to be her favorite food, but (this time thankfully) Adeline loves every food, so I just picked a food that was portable and shareable. Pizza. The funny thing about doing "lunch" for her class in Mexico is that their "lunch" break is at 10:00. Have you ever tried to order pizza at 9:00 a.m.?? in Mexico? Where they don't eat lunch foods until 2:00 p.m.?? The Costco restaurant doesn't even open until 10:00. I had to improvise and I went to Costco the day before and bought the take-n-bake pizza from the deli inside. I grabbed some Sprite, paper goods, and some Rice Krispy treats and figured I was as prepared as I could get. Tuesday morning went a little like this:
6:30 wake kids, dress, hair, shoes, teeth, etc.
7:15 in car
7:45 school drop off
8:15 home again, shower, dress, teeth, hair for me.
9:00 first pizza in oven, makeup for me
9:20 second pizza in oven, shoes for me, clothes and hair for Sully
9:40 Back to the car with pizza, sprite, treats, paper goods, sully and stroller.
10:00 on the dot - walk into the school to find Adeline's class.
I found her class alright - they were seated in the lunch area with every child, except for Adeline, eating their lunch. WHHHAAAAAT? You told me to bring lunch. I told you I was bringing lunch. Why are they all eating lunch without me?? This was a lot of work. Do you see these sweat marks on my shirt?? So now I have two pizzas all cut into 4 and 5-year-old-sized slices, and only about 10 kids even wanted any. I went home with an ENTIRE pizza. I couldn't even pawn it off on the parking guy. He looked at me like, "Why would I want pizza at 10:30 in the morning?" Yeah, I don't know either.
Wednesday Adeline was supposed to bring her favorite movie and book. So, we had to go through the process of picking only ONE movie and only ONE book (everything is fab, remember?) Turns out, they didn't watch the movie and didn't read the book. Why are they doing this to me???
Thursday was simply the worst - but not the "child of the week"'s fault on this one. Addie took her favorite music. Luckily, Grandma Hunter gave her a "Girlz Rock" CD for Christmas and this was easily and unceremoniously deemed the favorite. I dropped the kids at school and then swung wide on my return trip and went grocery shopping. After gathering all of the supplies for Valentine's Day cookies (okay and a few donuts for me and Sully), we returned home. I was already sweaty by now - so I took a break for a shower, clothes, hair, makeup, etc. I then went to pull out all of the Bunco supplies to make sure I had everything for our group that night. I couldn't find the d#$% score cards. I started sweating profusely. Finally, I made up my mind to make new ones by hand. How hard could that be?? Pen, paper, scissors, GO. Sweating, writing, sweating, *jingle tune from MSN messenger*. I checked my email and found that there was some work for the taking if I wanted it. I thought, "Definitely no - too busy." But then this part of me somewhere in the STUPID part of my brain was like, "You need the money, so just take it. You can always stay up late/get up early to do it." Done. Sweat. sweat. sweat. I looked at the clock and realized that if I didn't make cookie dough NOW, it wouldn't be chilled in time to cook it this evening. I went down the stairs, sweating of course, to make cookie dough. I debated one batch or two and after seeing the first batch chilling, decided that I definitely needed two. So, I made another. Sweat sweat. Now I was late to pick up kids. Traffic was a bear - I got there late. Kids in car, I ran to a friend's house because the store didn't have any heart-shaped cookie cutters and you can't make Valentine's cookies in any other shape, ya know. Quick stop and heading back home. The rest of the afternoon was spent alternating between kitchen, computer for work, and cleaning the house for Bunco. Sweat sweat sweat. Finally, around 6:00, the cookies were done, the kitchen was clean, the kids were fed, I was mostly cleaned up, and things calmed down a bit. I sent kids upstairs to hopefully entertain themselves away from the clean part of the house. I finished setting up tables, prizes and food, and then found some time to work a little more before friends started showing up. We had a REALLY fun time at Bunco, but I won't lie - I kind of rushed things because I knew I had to work when it was all done. Immediately after the last round, I divided up prizes and wrapped up the food. I worked for about an hour to finish it all after everyone left and then FELL into bed.
Friday was better. We all slept in a little. I was COMMANDED via the "Child of the Week" information sheet to be present at Adeline's class for a "parent activity" from 9:00 to 9:30. There was no way on EARTH I was going to drive the kids to school and then drive BACK at 9:00, so I just took them with me at 9:00. I remembered to wrap up cookies for each of their classes, but somehow forgot the presents for their teachers. I had no CLUE what the "parent activity" was supposed to entail - so I just printed a coloring picture off the Internet and called it good. Maybe boring, but I was feeling a little picked on after the crazy week we just had, so I called it good 'nuff. I did give them each a GIANT sugar cookie at 9:00 in the morning and who can complain about that? ;)
Once the kids were home from school, it all felt a little more calm. Our amazing babysitter/housekeeper/wife showed up at 3:00. She picked up the house while we took the boys to get their hair cut. It could have waited, but they were looking scraggly and Kyle was willing to go with me, so I jumped on it. We left the kids with Joanna (babysitter/housekeeper/wife) and Kyle and I went to meet with Joni to talk about our birth wishes and other baby related things. It was relaxed and quiet and definitely felt good. Plus, I always have fun talking about birthing and babies, and even Kyle had a good time. He pretty much rocks to not rolling his eyes at me every time I want to discuss my ideal birth or the way I want things to go or not go, etc. love him.
We had heart pancakes on Saturday and I gave the kids their little treat/present from mommy and daddy. They got a kick out of it and somewhere in there, I got a nap out of it. ;) yummm.
Joanna came BACK over that night around 6:00 so Kyle and I could go to dinner for Valentine's Day. We ate at Cocina 88, which we've been wanting to try for a long time. We had an amazing dinner that included a few bites of things that are on the general pregnancy no-no list (sword fish and bleu cheese - mmmmmmmm). I was reminded about how pregnant I really am because I wanted to eat everything and ALL of it. But, I was full after having salsa with a bread stick. *sigh* We'll have to go back when my stomach has room to expand.
I have already vowed to make this week more mellow than last. This morning I took a LOOOONG nap and I am not scheduling anything crazy or demanding or unrelaxing if I can help it. I keep meaning to schedule a massage, but I can't decide if I should wait until I get more uncomfortable and desperate for labor - or if I'll end up waiting too long that way and not even get to enjoy it??
February 4, 2009
Happy Birthday ASH!

Today is my older and wiser sister's birthday. She's having her "last birthday," the big 2-9. Rumor has it that Ashley and I got along really well as little girls, playing Barbies at all hours of the day, dressing up, jumping on the trampoline, etc. We went through a few not-so-chipper years during our hormonal teenage years, but I'm happy to say that we mostly came out the other end with an intact relationship. Of course, there are times that we take the liberty of family a little too far and have to beg for forgiveness, but that's to be expected, right?
She's a fabulous sister and pretty much the best aunt that a kid could ask for. I mean, who wouldn't want a generous, shopaholic for a relative? On any given day Ashley will call me from Target, Gymboree, Children's Place, or any other stop on her shopping route and ask for my kids' sizes, needs, or wants. My mom met me in Puerto Vallarta this past weekend and bestowed upon me an entire suitcase worth of clothes in newborn to 3 months sizes for our new baby - most of them compliments of Aunt Ashley.
I wish I could be there to whisk you away to a Paradise Bakery lunch and an afternoon of pedicures and shopping - but since I can't, a great, big, "YOU ROCK" will have to suffice until March when you come visit me. I promise you some fabulous Mexican shopping, great tacos, a VIP movie experience, and a steak dinner you'll never forget. MWAH!
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