September 23, 2008

swimming and spankies

Wow, I think this has to be a new record for my least bloggy month. Things have just been busy busy busy with working, kids' school, mischievious two-year-olds and husbands who lock themselves in offices for hours/days/months at a time "studying". He thinks I don't know that he spends 25% of his time on and, but I do. I know everything.

A few weeks ago, our group here arranged a day to go to a local waterpark. I hemmed and hawed over whether or not I would go. It sounded fun but it also sounded like a lot of work (three kids + water + one adult = more work than fun?).

Well, I am happy to say it was cheap, safe, super fun, and Kyle went with me so I would have nothing to worry about. I'll apologize in advance to anyone hoping to catch a glimpse of super hot me in a super hot swimsuit. I was the one behind the camera. You're welcome.

They had this slide with four tracks so everyone could race. G was frustrated that he never won. The poor thing was too light to get any speed going down the hill.

Sully up at the top of the hill watching the race. This super safe railing with 2-foot gaps was all that separated his body from a 50-foot drop. I heart MExico.
She chickened out and wouldn't race and then proceeded to pout for 20 minutes.

That's G about to crash into the unsuspecting child below.

We have a little over two months left in the semester. Kyle will finish up nutrition and endocrine this week and then moved onto internal medicine next week. He managed to get assigned to a hospital right by the kids' school, so here's me crossing my fingers that his schedule matches up nicely with the kids and he can take them at least one way each day:

Woah, that is a REALLY big picture of my butt and it is completely cellulite-free and totally cute in my hot little spankies. It is also probably going to be blocked soon since I snagged it from some random website and left it hosted there. You're welcome.

Since my butt is looking so good, I'm not really sure what else to say. I figure it is always best to leave things on a high note.

Tam and Sam (my parents) are coming to visit next Friday, so let's go ahead and use the comments section to remind me of items that will fit in a suitcase that she can bring with her that I cannot live without that are NOT liquids greater than three ounces and could possibly help me have a happy Americanized Thanksgiving in Mexico.


Serin said...

I disagree, that's MY butt! :p

Are you stocked up on chocolate chips??

Looks like the water park was fun, glad that Kyle went with you (tu)

paws said...

I have no idea what they have in Mexico, but what about pumpkin pie filling? Cranberry sauce? Your favorite stuffing mix? A giant turkey?

Nash said...

maybe your mom could bring some bottled up self-confidence..oh WAIT, sounds like you got that covered (or uncovered). Can she bottle some up (if ya got any leftovers) and bring me some a dat.

where oh where do you find a pic like that? i must know. you might not be a quantity blogger, but you ARE a quality blogger fo' sho. what's wrong with me?
i need my husband to come home.

Jenn S. said...

Oh H - you make me laugh, you witty little thing! And please oh please will you take down that picture of my arse - it's a copyright infringement mam!

How about brown sugar? Wasn't that something that you couldn't get in Mexico?

Tanya Leigh said...

Oh, yes. Gotta love Mexican "safety precautions." Eek!

Sweet potatoes!

Barnes Blog said...

I'm note sure what you can't get in Mexico, but you have to have Candy Corn(BTW C is in the background saying 'Hola' while holding his foot up to his ear. He loves his Diego and Telephones apparently).
Oh, rediwhip! Pudding.

I don't know why everyone keeps trying to take credit for my picture, when it's obvious that it's me, after I photoshopped all the stretch marks and cellulite, and gave myself a litle butt lift. Come on peeps, leave credit where credit is due.