September 30, 2008

It didn't work!

Apparently I can cross my fingers all I want, but its not doing much for Kyle's schedule at the hospital. They want him daily from 7 -3, which means he can neither drop off nor pick up, which also means we have 2 cars basically driving to the same location of the city multiple times a day. Its a good thing I love these kids so much, and that husband, and school, and driving, and spending money on gas. :) Kyle did have a longer shift yesterday (and Thursday), so he didn't get home unti 8:00. It was a good reminder to me that life is easier when he's home, even if he IS locked in the office. At least then we get to see him for dinner and bathroom breaks. The kids were in bed when he got home, and of course all three of them HAD to say goodnight, which extended bedtime to almost 9:00 p.m. (Okay Sully had two naps yesterday and really didn't go to sleep until nearly 11:00).

I also realized that either our two-year-old was ending up in our bed too often, or my husband got tired of being locked in the dungeon that we call "office," because a little suggestion of *maybe* moving the twin bed into our room for Sullivan and putting his desk in that bedroom turned into ACTUALLY moving the twin bed into our room and converting that bedroom into a study space. I actually like having Sully in his own bed in there . . . and he's still close enough to oooh and ahhh over how cute he is while he is sleeping. Kyle appreciates having an "office" that actually gets some natural light and has room to scoot the chair back from the desk. We've committed ourselves at least until after his big exam, which means that we'll give it a month before we decide if we want to re-kick Sully back to his own room. The other plus-side is that now his old "office" is empty and freed up lots of room for me to sort laundry. . . and pile laundry. . .and now store dirty laundry that previously had no place to be stored therefore forcing it to get done. I love to be enabled in my lazy ways.

I also love how all the comments on that last post were to claim that butt as their own. Even my mom called me to say that she tried to leave a comment but couldn't remember her login and password. Her comment basically consisted of, "You all know that is really MY butt, so quit claiming it and get back to the gym." You people crack me up.

My butt really used to look like that. Once upon a time. I don't have any proof, of course, because who takes a picture of their butt like that. ;)


Serin said...

Sorry Kyle's hours didn't work out for you. :(

LOL at getting to be lazy with your laundry now. I think that is a HUGE plus. ;)

When does your Mom arrive?

Krista said...

Hey Hanna, I think I would like Christopher in my room....even if he is 5!!!!! You never really let go of the baby. You're a brave woman. Especially to post a picture of your butt. It's quite a hot butt. When we're together you know how much I love to grab your butt. Ok, anyway. I hope things are well in Mexico. Love ya!