May 6, 2008

did you say hysterical?

globus hystericus -

the sensation of a lump in your throat, often associated with difficulty swallowing. i'm going on six days with no relief in sight. i have to be drinking or swallowing constantly or the sensation makes me crazy.

i have actually stressed myself into a physiological manifestation of my psychological state.

i. am. stressed.

this is actually slightly embarrasing to post because its an obvious admission of my craziness

just. weird.


Serin said...

I've had that before, but NEVER that long! :o It's such an annoying feeling, I hope it goes away soon! {hugs}

abby said...

as i was reading this i started swallowing really hard... yikes!

Nash said...

I'm lost, Do you have a sore throat? Or the stress is making you feel this way? Or you are off Diet Coke????????