April 2, 2009

Best Day Ever - or just a decent day.

If you had asked me last night what kind of day it was going to be, I would have guessed it would be awful. Rewind to last night when Sullivan presented with a high fever, an achy body, a sad disposition and an unwillingness to take any kind of medicine. I even tried hiding it in juice - he figured me out. Around 8:30 I laid with him in my bed and he fell quickly (back) to sleep. Our night moved along normally (as normally as a night with a newborn can move along, i.e. sleep, feed, change, repeat) until 1:00, when Tru decided that sleep was for the birds and fussing and farting was more his style. (Note to self: keep Mylicon close to bed tonight.) Tru fussing + Sullivan in our bed = 3 out of 4 master bed inhabitants awake and alert for 1.5 hours in the middle of MY night. Grrrr, frustration, weep (me). For the record, the fourth inhabitant did wake up and try to bounce the smallest inhabitant for a few minutes while the mom inhabitant whimpered and whined in frustration. Then the aforementioned inhabitant went back to snoring. . .errr, um - I mean sleeping. Somewhere around 2:45 a.m., I realized that everyone was asleep except for me, and after one last nudge in the ribs to the dad inhabitant, I dozed off myself.

The alarm went off at 6:30 and I got up to get the kids ready for school. No, this is NOT the beginning of the GOOD day. They dressed, they groomed, they ate, they packed, and I sent them out the door with Kyle. I tiptoed back up to my bed and after a diaper change and a sleepy feed, we all went back to sleep. (Cue the beginning of the good day). We slept, soundly, and peacefully until 10:30 a.m. WHAT? Yes - 10:30. I don't think I've done that since I was a teenager - or maybe it was before I had kids. (Holding my breath for Ashley's pregnant teenager joke here). I was SO asleep that I didn't even hear Joana knock on the door, but because this was a GOOD day - she came in and started picking up the house for me.

Like any child would do on a good day, Sullivan woke up without a fever and with only a little bit of residual stuffiness.

I spent the majority of my day bouncing from the couch to the bed to the shower to the chair to any other place that qualifies as a flat surface fit for nursing a baby. It was good.

Kyle and the kids came home. Guff went to Tae Kwon Do. Addie and Sullivan fought less than usual. Good.

Dinner time rolled around and instead of panicking because our week worth of meals from the very best friends a girl could ask for have come to an end, I put the world's sweetest baby in the sling (surely not because he cries if I put him anywhere else), walked into my clean kitchen (surely not because *I* cleaned it), put together makeshift pizzas from pita bread, leftover spaghetti sauce and a few random fixings, made a scrumptious dessert (or maybe I just defrosted a cheese cake). . .all while wearing a pair of non-maternity jeans that fit (sort of - maybe they're the biggest jeans I own and now have that coveted painted-on look that you're so envious of - but I like the jeans/girdle combo). See - its the best day ever!!

I should note that the title of "best day ever" at our house is bestowed rather liberally for such occurrences as Happy Meals, late bedtimes, and the occasional fruit roll-up.

I guess the moral to the story is that four kids will NOT kill me and we're going to pull through in the end. :)

On a Truman note: We went to the pediatrician on Tuesday (12 days old) night for a checkup and the newborn screen. Our little guy was up to 9 pounds 4 ounces (up 5 ounces from birth weight) and he was almost 21 inches long. I had the pediatrician clip the little membrane under his tongue and I am SO glad I had him do it. His latch is officially perfect now and my nipple pain has completely disappeared. YAY!! We also had the newborn screen done and $180 later, we can officially say that we miss insurance. We'll have the results in a couple of weeks, just in time for his next checkup at one month. After that, I think I'll hold off on the checkups until we're back in the states and can share the cost with an insurance company.


The Williamson's said...

You are super mom!!! I love your little family.

Serin said...

Yay for the best day ever! ;) It's about time you posted... now just get back on Yahoo. Four kids won't kill you, there might be some days you wish they would, but they won't.

Miss you! ♥

Tanya Leigh said...

Ahhh, tender mercies! You tell a great story, Hanna... can I have a housekeeper?? ;) And hooray for a good latch-on!! *Whew!*

Barnes Blog said...

I love reading you blog, I am so happy to be on the other side of the whining and silently crying while everyone else in the house is asleep but you, and you still have to get up and feed in an hour.
I feel for you, it is still very fresh in my mind.
Anywho, you sound great. What is this I hear about the tongue clipping for a better latch??? Please share.

Ashley said...

pregnant teenager, mwahahaha

You rock, I need to take mommy lessons from you

Jenn S. said...

Woo hoo - best day ever for sure. Remember to try and love these days - they just go by way too fast (and often is a sleep-deprived haze). Wish I were there to bring you dinner tonight! :)